Oct 07, 2008 23:29
Today was me and Nikki's 3-year anniversary. I can't believe it's been 3 years. We started talking almost 5 years ago but things got complicated from the very beginning. From the moment she sent me that first message I knew she was the one for me. We've been on a rollercoaster since day 1. We've shared really good times and really bad times. We've had friends, family, and outsiders try to stand in our way, but we stayed strong and most importantly, united, and we kept pushing through. With each day that I wake, I realize I'm lucky to have another day with her in my life. She is my one and only, forever and always.
I guess I should back track since all of this probably comes as a surprise given my recent entries. I guess it started last week. We were texting back and forth while we were both at work and she was saying all the right things. We came to the conclusion that she only wants to be with me and I only want to be with her. It was never officially said that we were back together but it never really is, it's just left unspoken. On Friday morning she called me on her way to work which was at 6:30 here. Lucky for her I had woken up at 6:00 (don't ask me why! It was my day off and I didn't go to bed til after 2:00.). She told me she wanted to talk to me before she went to work and that she didn't think I'd mind since I could go back to sleep afterwards. It was a sweet gesture. Not to mention talking to her helped me fall back to sleep.
Then on Sunday we were talking and in the middle of our conversation she goes "When I move back to Florida..." and I totally cut her off with a "What did you just say!?!?" and she goes "You heard me, when I move back to Florida!!" I told her I couldn't let her do that because I was the one who screwed things up when we were here and I deserved to be the one to sacrifice everything. She told me she didn't want to hear it and that she was a big girl and would worry about what she was sacrificing. She told me that if I moved to Missouri (which I had been planning on doing) and left Hunter she wouldn't be with me. She told me there was no way she'd let me leave that little boy, that he needed me and she wouldn't be the one to take me away from him. She's completely selfless at times, and it makes me fall in love with her even more. She did say that if things started down the path they were last time she would move back to Missouri and that would be the end of us, for good. That would make any normal person nervous, but I'm extremely confident. I learned a lot from my mistakes and I know the steps I have to take to ensure that this time will be a million times better than the last time. So, no worries.
Speaking of my handsome man, he gets sweeter and smarter every single day. I've noticed a huge change in him since he started school. A good change, of course. Like, a few weeks ago I got him one of those little Florida license plates with his name on it for his bike. Well, one night I went over there to give it to him and it was raining so we couldn't go outside to put it on. Then the next night my angel was passed out on the couch. So the next day I was walking some of the kids home from school and he happened to be getting off the bus when I was over there and of course he jumped into my arms and asked if I had his present. I told him that I had tried to bring it the night before but he'd been asleep, so I told him I'd bring it over there that night but he had to be awake. So as I was walking back to our other house he goes "Bye Mommy! See you later! I'll stay awake, I promise! Love you!" He is SO cute! Then there was one day I went over there to take one of our kids back to his house and before Kristen (UGH!) could even get the door open he'd jumped into my arms, gave me the world's biggest hug ever, and said "Mommy, I missed you!!" That was the first time he ever told me he missed me. He completely melted my heart. This past Sunday I went over there to do meds hoping I'd get to see him since I was off the previous 2 days but he was being restrained by Audra. People think that just because he's my baby that I let him get away with murder. People who know me well enough know that I have restrained his bad ass, on my day off no less. Yes I love him but I treat him as I would any of the other kids. I told him that I was very sad that he had to be basketheld and just ignored him while he kept calling for me. After Audra let him go he tried to hug me and I told him that I wasn't going to hug him when he was behaving that way. He wasn't happy about it but he'll learn. So then Monday afternoon I went over there to take some kids back and he was being restrained by Sandra. She goes "Oh look, your Mom is here! I'm glad she gets to see this!" Once again I told him I wasn't happy with his behavior and left without loving on him. Later that night I went over there to drop another kid off and all I hear is screaming coming from his room. I asked Sandra what he was screaming for and she said he'd been like that all day. I debated on whether I should go in there and try to calm him down or if that'd just cause more of a raucous. I decided to let Sandra and Kristen have a break and went to go calm him down. As soon as I walked in the room he stopped mid-scream and got that deer in headlights look. I told him to lay down and that I was tucking him in and he was going to stop screaming. He gave me an extra long hug (I tried to let go and he kept hugging. Guess he just needed some lovin'.) and a kiss, I tucked him in, told him I loved him, and no more screaming. He goes "Alright!" and was quiet. I walked down the hallway and Sandra looks at me, then sort of looks around, listening, and goes "What the hell did you do, smother him??" *LOL* All I could say was "Guess it takes a mother's touch!" I love that little boy more than words could ever say.
Work has been going really good. They've kept Kristen at our 3rd house so I rarely ever have to see her or put up with her mouth. (Lucky for her!) Unfortunately we got this new girl named Brittany and I cannot stand her. I just want to punch her in the face. She's very close to getting the boot though, so no worries. Not to mention she's really good friends with Alexis so I can't bitch about Brittany in front of her. Brittany is the new Kristen. She's on my bosses shit list right now so it won't be too much longer before she gets fired or quits. She made a HUGE mistake the other day though. She talked shit about me and Sherry to Kathleen. That's a BIG no-no!! Sherry came over to the house I was at on Sunday and goes "Nikki you got anything to say to me!?!?" and I was like "Um...no?" and she goes "You sure? Because you know if you've got something to say you can say it to my face!!" I was completely lost as to where all this anger was coming from and then she goes "Kathleen told me what you said!! Just remember, SAY IT TO MY FACE!!!!!!" then left. I knew I hadn't said anything to Kathleen and was extremely confused. Kathleen was working next door so I went over there to ask her WTF was going on and she told me that Sherry did that on purpose because Brittany was working with me and she wanted to scare her. I wish they'd clue me into this shit next time! *LOL*