May 16, 2005 21:48
So I have been a mooshy couch potato for the past few days which has been great. I had my YMCA interview today...walked in and talked to the lady for 15 mintues and she told me that I had the job because she knew me from camps and watched me grow up. She also talked to some of the other Y staffers that knew me and they were like oh yeah shes great. I was very cited. She even gave me a choice of where I wanted to be placed. I might get my top choice but if I don't then I definatly get my second choice. I was pumped yo. Def. a gift from God that all of this worked out. Then I found out some interesting news about a person. This is def. good news so we shall see what the days bring with this information. Anyways so got a job, happy, my Ash is coming to see me, b-day coming up, all I have to wait for are my grades...we shall see what that brings...hopefully good. all have a lovely evening and talk at you all lata.