The Amazon

Aug 09, 2010 03:51

Lil­lian is one of my favorite mod­els. She has a won­der­ful vibrancy about her and that Eston­ian way of always smil­ing, even when I’m telling her to look fierce! I was think­ing “Mae­nad” when I envi­sioned this shoot, and when she showed up sun­tanned and wild, straight from camp­ing at a music fes­ti­val. I just said “Per­fect - don’t touch your hair!”. We opened a bot­tle of red to get in the Dionysian spirit,  let her drape the chi­ton as she liked,  and started shooting.

The Ama­zon - Images by Kira Hagen

Originally published at Seeking the World's Soul. You can comment here or there.

warrior, pagan, ancient, model, medieval, studio and event photography, beautiful, street photography, amazon, viking, lillian, featured

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