Ancient Priestess

May 30, 2010 15:11

Last month I did a shoot in Ankara with model Özge Can pos­ing in a chi­ton, a dress com­mon to women through­out the ancient Mediter­ranean, at the Roman Baths archae­o­log­i­cal site. Özge is work­ing on a master’s degree in envi­ron­men­tal engi­neer­ing and does mod­el­ing as a hobby, and we con­nected via Model Mayhem.

I’ve been think­ing about writ­ing more about where the ideas for these shoots come from, so here goes:

At the begin­ning of the2008 Sum­mer Olympics, Greece hired some actresses to dress as ancient priest­esses for the torch light­ing cer­e­mony. After I saw the pho­tos, I wanted to do a sim­i­lar shoot! (But with garb that didn’t look like it started life as cur­tains.) I’d actu­ally done a Roman look shoot before, though it was in 2000 on a 1.3 megapixel cam­era (which cost $600 then…) and had a blast with it.

In Jan­u­ary, when the school I work at was on win­ter break, I went down to the Mediter­ranean coast by Antalya with the inten­tion of doing some shoots in the area’s ruined Greco-Roman cities. I was hop­ing to find a model to pose for me there and put the cos­tume together before leav­ing. It didn’t work out but I did find Özge’s pro­file and instantly thought of Michael Whelan’s paint­ing “Night’s Daugh­ter”. She liked the shoot con­cept so we worked out meet­ing later in the spring.

The Roman Baths in Ankara are an open air museum with ruins dat­ing from when ancient Ancyra was the cap­i­tal of Gala­tia, then an eth­ni­cally Celtic part of Ana­to­lia. (I was flab­ber­gasted to learn the area had a Celtic his­tory; for some rea­son I’d always thought Gala­tia was in ancient Gaul/ mod­ern France, not - of all places - Turkey.) In addi­tion to the foun­da­tions of the baths them­selves, there are col­lec­tions of tombs, mar­ble pil­lars, and both Greek and Roman way­stones dat­ing from the ancient past. Since the site is on a slop­ing hill, shoot­ing from a low angle allowed me to hide the mod­ern city sur­round­ing us.

Finally, allow me to rec­om­mend Özge to any­one need­ing a Gothic-look model. We did this shoot on a trade-for-images basis but she’s look­ing for com­mer­cial work and would be very happy to travel. Her Eng­lish is excel­lent and she was delight­ful to work with. Con­tact her via Model May­hem or DeviantArt.

Gallery of images from the shoot. Click any image for prints and pric­ing.

Ozge - Ancient Priest­ess shoot - Images by Kira Hagen

Originally published at Seeking the World's Soul. You can comment here or there.

pagan, ancient, priestess, photography, studio and event photography, roman baths, beauty, religion, turkey, ankara, mystery, archaeology, traveling, travel photography

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