No Spoilers Here! Check out this 2011 BBC Series!
Just watched the last episode, 8 of 8, of the BBC series Outcasts. A story about the 'human' colony on the distant planet of Carpathia as the dying Earth's last refugees arrive. I understand why this series got such a luke warm reception but I am glad I kept watching. The series starts with vague notions, distant characters, a general evocation of apathy and a hint of something more. Around the fourth episode the show starts to really pay off. I am glad I kept watching and now hope I have the chance to go see the series again. The series starts very slowly parceling out information about the characters, Carpathia and Earth's refugees. It is only the glimmer of continual development that keeps one watching. Around the fourth episode the show starts paying off with characters and conflict you can really care about.
Cross your fingers they make another season or least a TV movie.