I should watch TV more often, because apparently there's a Presidential campaign going on. So yesterday on France 2 I was treated a bit of campaigning from like half the candidate (including a guy I'd never heard of, DeVilliers who's happy to be overtly racist when LePen isn't, and thankfully, NOT Sarkozy).
I'm sort of disappointed by that slogan that appeared at the end of the video by the Green Party, which announced "L'écologie ne se fera pas sans les écologistes" (Ecology won't happen without ecologists) - I know they're just trying to get votes, but the whole point of ecology is that it needs to happen with everyone. It needs to be on everyone's mind, in everyone's priorities.
Puisque je suis sur des histoires de politique, oyez oyez co-citoyens français :
ce petit site vous permet de (soit-disant) découvrir de quel(le) candidat(e) vous êtes le plus proches en répondait à 35 questions. C'est pas trop long et relativement parlant, même si bien sûr 35 questions ça limite les sujets abordés. Mais bon, ça peut vous aider à mettre de l'ordre dans vos idées et vous permettre aussi de vous interroger sur certains sujets.
Ca me rassure quelque peu de m'être retrouvé avec les Verts en tête. What I like about the Green Party is not just a priority on environmentalist issues (we desperately NEED someone to take those seriously) - it's most of their policies. They've not only got the right priority in my opinion, but also the right attitude towards other questions. And unlike other parties, I believe they're more truthful about their beliefs. They're people who care.
Speaking of ecology, yesterday on the Colbert Report a guy was invited - he and his family (a wife, a toddler and a dog) are trying to live a year in Manhattan with having as little impact on the environment as possible.
He keeps a blog that I've only just started going through, but I find it extremely interesting. Go have a look, people. I don't believe extremist solutions like this one would work for all of us, but we should learn. A lot.