Jun 16, 2012 15:39

For those who haven't seen Spartacus: Vengeance (S3), SPOILERS IN THE EXPLANATIONS. The icons aren't so much of a spoiler.

My set is very backwards, as in, what you might find dark to be evil, is turning more into good, and my evil is turning more light (this is all color & lighting wise). Spartacus: Vengeance was a great season- such a gore filled show, but you can't deny its beauty. The entire series is quite picturesque. This set was made for inspired20in20 and my gosh did it inspire. Thanks to cb_janey & vampire_sessah for the words of encouragement. I've written an explanation for every icon (why? Because I'm insufferable.) Please do enjoy!

01- Word: Ambitious - Ilithyia, a devious young woman (though, she isn't the freshest fruit on the tree as Seppia proved) is exactly what inspired this icon- she is ambitious in all her deceitful ways. The coloring was going for a dark purple, to push the royal feel, as well as the dangerous shadows to prove just how awfully evil she is.
02- Word: Villain - Glaber, the most evil of all characters. Sure, the mercenaries were vicious, but Glaber has a brain, and he is the evil mastermind we all love to hate. I went for a vintage dark coloring, as I was watching a silent film on TV at the time. Apparently, the most deadly horse movie ever made in the era. (Ben Hur, 1925).
03- Inspiration: appleindecay 1 2 - The dark and painted look so fits this creepy scene from 'Fugitivus'. I wanted to create a painted feeling without taking away anything from the images and the scenery. The blood on the walls, and Lucretia's wild mane made for a good scene.
04- Word: Lost - Ilithyia sort of loses herself when her father dies (murdered by her 'dear' husband). I liked this look on her face for this theme because in a panick she is quite lost. I loved the movement in the picture as well. Damn she pretty.
05- Word: Carnal - I was like two winks of madness away from showing full blown nudity in this icon, but then realized it wouldn't make for NSFW icons, so yeah. I chose a 'tender' moment between the most sexy couple in all of Spartacus.

06- Inspiration: kasiopeia 3 - Drew a lot of inspiration from kasiopeia's icon from the inspiration set. I loved how dark and malevolent it looked. That coloring was gorgeous and I attempted a sort of Ilithyia portrait of her final (??) days.
07- Inspiration: saxify 4 - Wanted to do a blocking icon originally with these two, but decided to just blend them together. These two want vengeance, and it really is against each other, but for most of the season they work in unison.
08- Word: villain - Ashur is the most evil antagonist for the Gladiators, and in the end, for everyone including himself. His arrogance gets the best of him. "I am a villain, but I am not your villain."
09- Word: Sinner - This icon might be too dark, but maybe that's a good thing. Ilithyia is the sinner of all sinners. She cheats, she murders, she lies- she does everything. I loved this scene of her blindfolded. She's at the mercy of her captive.
10- Inspiration: erzsebet 5 - I wanted to achieve that firey glow, but keep it still dark. Here is Glaber, about to meet his ugly end.

11- Inspiration: absolutelybatty 6 - Oenomaus is a hero at heart, but he loses himself. He is truly honourable.
12- Word: Reckless - Gannicus is exactly this- reckless. "It is a curse, being blessed with so much to offer." I took a lot of the coloring inspiration from yoli_19 & vetica.
13- Word: Hero - Spartacus is our namesake hero! I chose a nice bloody cap because he is one BAMF (not to mention gorgeous).
14- Word: Light - Naevia's story still makes me shiver. Naevia is pictured running from her fears (barely being plucked from the mines after a brutal trade route.) I wanted to add text to this icon, but I felt like there weren't words to fill it. I chose the natural setting for light as well because in her own darkness, she is still a light to Crixus.
15- Word: Brave - She's a brave woman in a sea of men. She kills like a flying monkey.

16- Inspiration: justonebeat & vetica 7 8 - Gannicus is a hero, but damn is he a stubborn one. I wanted to utilize this shadow as his half hero & half not-so-there hero self.
17- Word: Gallant - My second blindfold icon. I feel like unlike the other one, there is so much strength behind this moment.
18- Word: Worthy - Mira is a worthy opponent, and she proves herself time and time again, until the very end.
19- Inspiration: Evil & Good - She's out for vengeance for her brother's life taken by the very lover she recently acquired in Glaber. She wasn't so much a likeable character (she was a silly girl trying to play a woman's game), but I do think she had heart. I loved this scene. It was so different for Vengeance- the spin, darkness, sadness. Lovely.
20- Word: Valiant - Naevia's the true definition of valiant. She is a warrior who possesses the courage to face her fears. I chose her features as she decapitated her "prey", and the emotions that followed. She was the true hero she was always meant to be. I chose the colors to get the strength and blood that went into that scene.

Alternates, Extras, Rejects







Textless icons are not bases. Do not edit.

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Leaving comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you for viewing my icons. :D

icons: spartacus series

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