Apr 17, 2012 23:22

These are for inspired20in20; this is the most difficult round ever for me. I struggled from beginning to 10 minutes ago. Literally took me about four days to do these (which is ridiculous considering I have all the time in the world to work on them. Inspiration was there, I'm just flawed to get something pretty going... Hope you all enjoy these as I worked seriously hard. I thank happy_harper13 & spg_spn_girls for the 'chin-up' comments.


Textless icons are not bases. Do not edit.

Save to your own server and credit off of LJ as well.

Leaving comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you for viewing my icons. :D





01- This was my attempt at grain. It was a bit difficult to do, although so simple looking. I tried to get it 'grainy' without making it look LQ.
02- How did I make this icon? Magic. And a bit of help from happy_harper13.
03- This icon is simple to me. I love bright white textures (so much!) so using it in this icon felt like home.
04- The text is meh for me. I think I did it like this because it needed to feel manly. What is more manly than boxy text?
05- Oh January- you are so easy to icon, yet so hard sometimes. I haven't made Mad Men icons in ages, so I was a bit excited to icon you, but it wasn't my cup o' tea. B&W, you are my friend. The warp text was fun to do, considering, I never do filters to my text.
06- I spent close to around 30 minutes making this icon. Why do you ask? Because I was busy being distracted by McFassy interviews on the internet. However, it looks a bitt messy (the white texture is doing something odd, yet pretty). I wanted to add text, something along the lines of 'The Sirens Song', but I couldn't quite get the text to sit on the icon. It looks unnatural, so I went bare. :)
07- Look what I did- went to the evil 'layer'- luckily this cap works well. I wish I could get the white to burst more, but I was afraid it would get over-contrasted, and I'd rather not have that.
08- This icon isn't necessarily perfect, but I happened upon this look on accident. I loved the pink/purple mix with the black. It kind of fits the sultryness of Angel. Dark little thing.
09- January, you pretty girl. Sorry I mucked up your face!
10- Inspired by the textures over at planets-bend-between-us. One of my favorite textures from the batch! Wish the blue wasn't so dark, but my attempts to lighten it once I noticed it made it sort of too bright and crazy. Too bad, but hopefully it is passable (sorry if it is too dark...)
11- I gave him alien face. Sorry dear. But I loved the color differnce that I saw within the batch of icons I have.
12- I wanted to use this cap this scene because I loved the colors. Hopefully I made something interesting. Did I frame him right? I hope I did.
13- What?! Another blue icon? I know. I know. But hopefully I cropped it just right. I tried to put the monument just center. I love negative space with monochromatic looks.
14- Miss Angel showing off her wings. She was so pretty and deadly in this scene, so I went to the first pretty/deadly combo and I thought to Christina Aguilera's last album Bionic. The text is a large A, font is Kylie X Font.
15- This was one of those caps that I could easily do this effect with (Thank you Fassbender's beautiful profile!) The coloring is dull (compared to the colors it is surrounded by), but I love how the light looks around him. I wanted to put text on this icon, but I decided it was just too perfect without it (also, text and I are on a first name basis. We aren't bff's.)
16- Not much to say about this icon other than it's random in this batch. I liked the pattern of the walls most, which is why I felt compelled to use the cap. Not the stand out of the bunch, but it rounds it out... I guess.
17- Beast has some scary teeth, but for some reason, the teeth this coloring gave me was scary in a 'he must need a dentist' scary. I decided the brush of white would cover my boo-boo, and also brighten this icon even more. I decided to do a blurry smooth look.
18- Oh that blue again. Apparently this movie approves with blue. LOL! Framed the icon with goreplz's texture.
19- I think I've included this icon because it fit grain and frame. Maybe even light...gosh. I have literally struggled with this round, maybe that's the artistic thing to do. Struggle for the art! *dramatic fists* Or maybe it just means I suck. Eck- it's more blue too!
20- B&W- original... right? hehe. That about rounds it all out.

Alternates, Extras


Textless icons are not bases. Do not edit.

Save to your own server and credit off of LJ as well.

Leaving comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you for viewing my icons. :D

icons: x-men first class

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