Made some more icons from 300 and one of Gerry by himself.
Most of the bases are courtesy of
thespian_geek . Thank you thank you!
The do dads, text and textures are mine. Hope everyone likes. ;)
(btw, apparently with this icon generator, when I view the entry without the cut, the icons are there, but if I view the cut, the icons disappear, yet when I edit the entry, they reappear, if anyone doesn't see the icons, please tell me and I'll fix it....ugh)
UPDATE: got rid of the generator, hope this works better. *sighs*
11 icons
1 Gerry
10 from 300
5 of Stelios (1 is animated)
2 of The Captain
1 of Dilios
1 of the King
1 Dilios' hand (lol)
If you take, please let me know and credit both myself and
thespian_geek .