Here I go, changing themes again. *sigh* But i like this one, its a bit brighter, so I may keep it a while.
Have a little survey thing to pass around, thanks to
stardust78. I don't normally do these, but i said what the hell.....
Book You're Reading Right Now? The Immortal Highlander
Newspaper of choice? Local paper
Drive a Hybrid? No
Current Car? Town and Country mini van (boooooooring)
Favorite Word? duh!
Do You Wear Glasses? Yes
Crosswords or Sudoku? Crosswords
Who Was Your First Celebrity Crush? Barry Manilow
Porn Name? I had one a while back but forgot it, one of those online generators
Can You Legally Drink? Yes but I don't do it
Are You Old Enough To Run For Senate (=> 30)? Yep, but don't wanna
Favorite False rumor About Yourself? None, thank goodness
Bath or Shower? Shower
Pyjamas or no pyjamas? Pyjamas
Best Impersonation? No one
Is The Name You're Known By The Name On Your Birth Certificate? Yes
If You Wear A Colored Bracelet, Which One? Pink, made myself
Have You Ever Been Arrested? No.
Do People Have Trouble Spelling Your Name? Nope
Are You Renee Zellweger? Uh, nope.
What is the sexiest scent on the person you're attracted to? A warm musky scent.
One Word Answers
1. Yourself: Me
2. Your spouse: Him
3. Your hair: Good
4. Your mother: Love
5. Your father: silly
6. Your favorite item: computer
7. Your dream last night: stupid
8. Your favorite drink: water
9. Your dream car: mustang
10. The room you are in: computer room
11. Your ex: none
12. Your fear: bees and being confined
13. What you want to be in 10 years: same as i am now
14. Who you hung out with last night: My family
15. What you're not: Sad
16. Muffins: good
17. One of your wish list items: perfume
18. Time: after 10pm
19. The last thing you did: typed on IM
20. What you're wearing: nightshirt
21. Your favorite weather: breezy and slightly cool in fall
22. Your favorite book: Phantom by Susan Kay
23. The last thing you ate: nacho chips
24. Your life: happy
25. Your mood: totally turned on....(leonidas...oh boy)
26. Your best friend(s): they know
27. What you're thinking about right now: Leonidas
28. Your car: silver
29. What you're doing at the moment: this and talking on IM
30. Your summer: hot
31. Your relationship status: married
32. What's on TV: its not on
33. The weather: warm
34. The last time you laughed: just now
Answer and pass on if you wish!