Fic: With a Blue Box on Top

Dec 22, 2007 09:39

Title: With a blue box on the top
Rating: PG-ish
Disclaimer: They ain’t mine.
Word Count: 1,145
Characters: Rose, The Doctor (10), OC
Genre: Fluff
Giftee: vickievrt, for the OSK Secret Santa hootenanny
A/N: Ficathon Prompts: Ten/Rose, Food, Fluff
Summary: "So...a banana cake with a blue 1950's police box on the top, door open, with the bride and groom figures poking out."

under the cut:

Barbara Daniels had dealt with a lot of strange couples in her fourteen years as a wedding planner. Brides more terrifying than a firing squad; grooms who had no clue what was going on; budgets so small that feeding all of the guests without resorting to fast food had almost seemed impossible.

But never, in all of her years, had she encountered a couple quite like Doctor John Smith and Rose Tyler.

"You want what on the top of the cake?" Barbara asked.

"A blue box," John repeated for her.

They were having lunch at Rose's favorite chip shop, and the couple looked rather at ease. They never thought anything strange of their requests. When Rose had informed Barbara that she would be wearing white boots and not flats or heels with her outlandishly expensive dress, she hadn't batted an eyelash. Nor did she or John find it strange when they'd told Barbara that the groom didn't have any family to speak of that would be coming; only close friends.

"It's a police box," Rose explained. "They used them in the fifties."

"And...And you want that on top of the cake," Barbara said.

"With the door open, and the little bride and groom figures poking out," John grinned.

"I'll need a photo to show the baker," Barbara said.

"That's no problem," Rose smiled.

Barbara sighed. She hadn't touched her chips yet, so nervous was she about what other strange requests the couple might have. "We still haven't talked about what flavor and color you want the rest of the cake to be."

"Banana," John replied with a grin.

Rose gave a good natured sigh and ran an affectionate hand through her fiancé’s already-ruffled hair. "Banana," she repeated.

"So...a banana cake with a blue 1950's police box on the top, door open, with the bride and groom figures poking out."

"Wouldn't it be brilliant if they were running toward the box?" John asked, looking at Rose.

She giggled. "Oh, that'd look so great."

Barbara cleared her throat nervously. "What flavor cake frosting, and what color?"

"White chocolate," Rose said.

"Really?" John asked, wrinkling his nose as he shoved a chip into his mouth. "That's so plain."

"There's going to be a TARDIS on top of it," Rose commented. "It's not exactly plain."

"But...why not a landscape?" John asked. "Oh! It could look like New Earth!"

Rose bit her lip. “I don’t know if that’s such a great idea…why don’t we leave it at white chocolate for now.”

John sighed, but nodded.

“Any other decorations?” Barbara asked nervously.

“Dragées,” Rose said calmly. “Silver ones. Along the outside of each layer.”

Barbara nodded and jotted it down, thinking that this was, quite possibly one of the strangest cakes she would ever commission.

John stared at Rose with wide eyes. “Did…did you just order a whole slew of edible ball bearings on our wedding cake?”


“Oh…” John said with a smile. “Oh, that’s brilliant.”

Rose looked quite smug. “I know.”

“You’re brilliant.”

“Yes. Yes, I am.”

“I know why I’m marrying you now.”

“You didn’t before?”

“Well…I had an idea, but now I know.”

Barbara glanced up at them, quirking an eyebrow. Even if they were strange, at least they were happy, and fairly easy-going. Rose knew what she wanted, but she wasn’t a pain about it by any stretch of the word, and John usually had some idea of what they were doing. He was very involved in the food selection, if nothing else.

“So…a Banana flavored cake, with white chocolate frosting, silver dragees on the sides of the layers, and a blue, fifties police box on top, with the bride and groom figures…”

“Legging it as fast as they can toward the door,” John said.

“If that’s too complicated, we can have them poking out of the door of the box, like we first said,” Rose said, charitably.

“I’ll see what the baker can do.” Barbara closed her notebook and smiled. “So, tomorrow, Rose, I think we should talk about the flower arrangements.”

“Blue forget-me-nots and white dahlias,” Rose smiled.

Barbara stared for a moment. “Er…yes. Of course.”

Rose smiled wider. “Oh! Before I forget, my mates are throwing me a bachelorette party tomorrow night,” she said. “If you’d like to come-“

“Oh, thank you, but I’ve got so much work to do,” Barbara said.

“It’ll only be one night,” Rose coaxed. “You deserve a break. We’re throwing it at our flat since the best man is taking John out for the bachelor party.”

“If I don’t come back alive, avenge my death,” John said, sounding slightly worried.

“Jack will take good care of everyone,” Rose said, gently.

John frowned. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

Rose gave Barbara an apologetic look. “Jack is our best man…he’s a bit…wild.”

Barbara nodded slowly. “Well…the best man is usually a little rambunctious, honestly.”

“This best man is planning on tagging along for the honeymoon,” John muttered. “And if he manages it? I’m going to drop him off on Raxicoricofalapatorious and never pick him up.”

“You are not,” Rose chided. “And he’s not coming. I’ve already given him a talking to.”

“He’s only lulling you into a false sense of security,” John said. “The second the clothes come off, he’ll be barging right into the hotel suite with his trousers around his ankles.”

Barbara felt herself blush deeply. She’d met Jack-the-best-man only once, and had been reduced to a stuttering schoolgirl by the man’s attention.

“You know that he wouldn’t do that,” Rose said. “He’d leave us alone in favor of every other person at the resort.”

Barbara cleared her throat. “Where…where is Raxic…er…”

“Raxicoricofalapatorious,” John said quickly. “Pakistan.”


Rose smiled. “Right. We’d better get going. It’s getting late, and we have to go pick up my Mum and Dad and Mickey and Jake from the er…airport tomorrow.”

“Where are they, again?” Barbara asked curiously.

“Norway,” Rose said quickly. “On uh…holiday. They love their holidays, my family does. Always on holiday.”

“Rose,” John said with a grin.


He got to his feet and took her hand. “We should be going.”

Barbara got up as well, holding out her hand to them. “Then I will see at least Rose tomorrow, and maybe I’ll get to meet your parents.”

Rose smiled and shook Barbara’s hand. “Great. Thanks.”

Barbara smiled back and nodded, before turning to walk away.

“You’re starting to babble like me,” she heard John say.

“I got nervous! S’not like I can explain where they are, is it?”

“Well, you could, but she’d think you’re a nutter.”

“No. You are the nutter.”

“I am not!”

“It’s not your fault, really,” Rose said sympathetically. “We can blame it on Jack.”

“I’ve forgotten why I’m marrying you.”


Barbara sighed, and hurried out of the shop, her notebook clutched in her hands, ready to go home and pour herself a stiff drink.

ficathon fic, fluff, doctor who

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