Fic: When Jimmy Met Martha ch. 3

Dec 13, 2007 11:22

Title: When Jimmy Met Martha
Disclaimer: They ain’t mine. Don’t sue.
Rating: PG-13 to R for language and innuendo and violence.
Genre: Drama, Humor, and other such things.
Characters: Ten/Rose, Jack, Martha, Torchwood, Mickey, Jake, Jimmy, and others.
Beta: Thanks, Dettiot!
A/N: This serves as the direct sequel to Rainy Day Woman
Summary: Life in his new universe proves to be interesting for Jimmy Stone, to say the least, and the Doctor and Rose are back to traveling, though the Doctor’s sudden urge for shiny rings and cake may make things more complicated than anyone thinks.

Under the cut

Rose smiled as she walked into the console room. The Doctor was sitting on the jump seat with a book, and she plopped down in his lap, taking it from him.

He looked about to protest, his eyes wide through his glasses, but Rose didn’t give him the chance. She placed soft and gentle kisses against his mouth, cupping his cheek with her free hand.

The Doctor moaned in appreciation and grinned, wrapping his arms around her. “Good morning,” he said in a low voice.

Rose smiled. “Hi.”

He smiled back, kissing her again.

She pressed up against him as she ended the kiss. “Will you take me to London?”

He kissed down her jaw to nip at her neck. “Which London? New London? Old London? Londoninium?”

“My London,” Rose said. She ran a hand through the Doctor’s hair. “I’m supposed to meet Shireen for lunch.”

He pulled back. “Oh. Is…is that what the wonderful kissing was about?”

She smirked. “No. I just wanted to kiss you. But I do have a lunch date with Shireen.” She kissed the Doctor again. “We do have time for…other things, though.”

“We’re in a time machine,” he chuckled. “We have all the time in the universe.”


Shireen waited less than patiently outside of the Powell Estates, glancing down at her purple, sparkly watch. “Rosie Rose Rose. Where are you?” she muttered.

All at once, she heard a grinding noise, and a big, blue box appeared. Shireen looked up with a quirked eyebrow as her old friend stepped out, straightening out her hair and clothes.

“Hi,” Rose smiled, walking over and hugging her.

Shireen giggled. “No wonder you’re late. Quick shag.”


Shireen pulled back from the hug and stared at her.

“Okay, yes.”

Shireen giggled and looked past Rose to the door of the blue box, where the Doctor was standing with his arms crossed. “I’ll have her back to you in three hours, unharmed, and mostly sober.”

He grinned. “That’s really all I can hope for.”

Rose walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss. “Don’t get into too much trouble.”

“Don’t take my fun away.”

Shireen snickered and grabbed Rose’s arm. “Come on, you. Let’s go.”

The Doctor watched them walk off, arms linked and giggling, before stepping back into the TARDIS and closing the door. He set the randomizer, and plopped down onto the jump seat with his book.

When he landed, he opened up the TARDIS door again to find himself in an alleyway. He locked up the TARDIS behind him, and then wandered out into the main street, looking around, and quickly realized that he was in New York City. A quick glance at a newspaper told him it was 1956.

The Doctor roamed down the street, winding up on Fifth Avenue. He passed several bakeries, which were displaying a couple of traditional-looking wedding cakes. He stopped and tilted his head as he stared at them. He liked cake. He wasn’t really one for weddings, though.

He kept walking, looking about with a grin. “America, 1956,” he said to himself. “Elvis Presley hits the pop charts for the very first time. Marilyn Monroe officially changes her name and then marries Arthur Miller. My Fair Lady opens up. The beautiful Grace Kelly becomes a princess.”

The doctor sighed. He wished Rose was with him, and not in some chippy in twenty-first century London. She'd been right, all those years ago; better with two.

He passed another bakery, with more wedding cakes in the window. He blinked. “Huh.”

He stopped when he came into view of a rather notorious jewelry shop. His thoughts whirled around quickly, and as he stopped in front of the shop window, looking at the display of sparkling diamonds. He gave a troubled look, before impulsively walking in.


“You have got to be kidding me.”

The Doctor sighed heavily and slumped back in the chair across from Jack.

The Torchwood hub was quiet, all except for Jimmy’s soft snores coming from the couch and Ianto making coffee upstairs.

“You’re not kidding.”

“No, I’m not kidding,” the Doctor said. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”

Jack stared in shock.

“Ever since she was attacked at the club last week, I just…” the Doctor stopped and went on. “And I’ve been seeing signs, as well. Dresses and rings and…and cake! So much cake!”


“And it’s complete madness. I’m rubbish at weddings, I am. But I had this really strange dream the other night, about marrying Rose, and Jimmy showed up wearing nothing but a paper bag over his bits, and then the Daleks crashed the whole thing, and you burped really loudly and the Daleks ran away.”

Jack stared at him for a long, silent moment. “No wonder you never sleep. With dreams like that, I wouldn’t sleep, either.”

“I went to Tiffany’s,” the Doctor blurted out.

“Who’s Tiffany?” Jack asked, wrinkling his nose.

“Not who,” the Doctor snapped. He pulled out a blue bag, and dumped its contents out onto Jack’s desk. Ten velvet ring boxes tumbled out.

“Tiffany’s the jeweler,” Jack stated, staring at the boxes in shock.


“And…you bought ten rings.”

“They were all so shiny! I couldn’t choose.”

Jack stared at him in shock. “You’re actually serious about this, aren’t you?”

“Ten rings. All different. I like the square ones.”

“They’re called princess cut,” Jack muttered, flipping a box open. “Can I have one?”



Ianto walked in and set the coffee down. He glanced at the boxes and arched an eyebrow.

“Don’t mind the Doc,” Jack muttered. “He’s lost his mind.”

A whistle sounded as Jimmy sauntered in, glancing down at the ring boxes. “Blimey. Can I have one?”

“No,” the Doctor snapped, annoyed. “They’re for Rose. Or…one of them will be…when I decide which.”

“You’re actually gonna ask Tyler to marry you?”

The Doctor sighed. “Yes.”

Jimmy smirked. “You know in another twenty years she’ll be exactly like Jackie, yeah?”

The Doctor glared.

“Just sayin. S’your funeral.”

“Jimmy, don’t you have something better to do…say…work?” Jack asked.

Jimmy pouted. “I finished. And you’re busy. And I’m bored. And Martha won’t put out.”

Ianto sighed heavily. “Doctor, did I ever thank you for bringing us dear James?”



Jimmy pouted at Ianto, then turned his attention back to the rings. “She’s Rose, so she’ll go for something simple…” He flipped open a couple of boxes and then handed one to the Doctor. “Here we are. Solitaire, six-pronged, round cut. Not small, not bloody huge. Simple and to the point.”

Jack blinked and lifted up another ring. “Pink diamond. Princess cut. Platinum setting.”

The Doctor blinked.

“What about the pear-shaped?” Ianto asked.

“I hate pears,” the Doctor snapped. He gingerly picked up a box and opened it up. “I think I like this one.” He held it out to them.

“Rectangular stone with triangular side stones,” Jack said, eying the ring.

“I like it,” the Doctor replied. “It sparkles better than the other ones.”

“Does that mean we can have these?” Jimmy asked.

The Doctor rolled his eyes.


Martha walked into Jack’s office and stared at her sometimes-boss in slight shock. “Where did that come from?”

Jack was modeling a rather large, round diamond ring that sparkled under the bright lights of the hub. “The spoils of helping the Doctor pick out one of ten engagement rings.”

Martha frowned. “What?”

Jack shrugged. “He showed up with ten different rings, going out of his head on which one to use.”

“He’s asking Rose to marry him.”

“As far as I can tell,” Jack said. “If you ask me, he’s lost it. The Doctor I knew would have thrown up at the thought of asking anyone to marry him.”

“Can’t believe it,” Martha said. “You don’t think he’s…under some sort of…mind control…possessed maybe? Poisoned?”

“Don’t think so,” Jack replied. “Just his usual crazy self.”

“So…he’s gonna get married.”

“Assuming Rose says yes.”

“She’d say no?” Martha asked in disbelief.

“She’d give it some serious thought and examine whether or not the Doctor had ulterior motives,” Jack replied.

“You think he does?”

“I think he wants to spend the rest of her life with her,” Jack replied. “And I think he’s gone native.”

Martha huffed.

“She’s pitching a fit cause the Doctor is gonna ask Tyler to make it official, aye?” Jimmy asked, walking in.

“The Doctor’s what?!” Mickey cried in shock as he and Jake followed Jimmy into the office.

“Showed up this morning going nutters with ten different rings,” Jimmy replied. He gestured to Jack. “Even let the boss keep one.”

“I feel pretty,” Jack muttered dreamily.

Mickey gave an outraged look. “But…but he didn’t ask me first!”

“Why would he ask you?” Jake asked, confused.

“Because I’m the closest thing to family she’s got here now!” Mickey cried. “Pete isn’t here to…be all fatherly, somebody has to!”

“Didn’t you used to sleep together?” Jimmy asked uneasily. “Isn’t that a bit…disgusting?”

“She’s my best mate!” Mickey said firmly. “An’ he’s not exactly the greatest guy in the universe. Blew up his own people an’ he’s hurt Rose before, y’know.”

Jake shook his head. “If the Doctor does anything to hurt Rose, Jackie’s sixth sense will pick it up and she’ll rip her way through the void just to slice off his testicles. You don’t have to play the over-protective best mate, because he knows that.”

Mickey pouted.

Jake grinned and nudged him. “Cut it out. It’s cute.”

Martha shook her head. “You’re all insane.”

“And you still won’t shag me,” Jimmy added.

Martha sighed and turned to leave. “There’s a reason for that.”

Jimmy frowned, pulling at his dark locks, which he’d dyed recently from the bright red they’d been in the other universe. “Is it the hair?”


The Doctor’s attempt at romance had failed miserably. They were running from a pair of aliens that looked strangely like they could have been relatives of Big Bird…if Big Bird had sharp teeth and was green.

“So much for a nice dinner!” Rose cried as they ran for the TARDIS.

“I’m sorry, all right?! I didn’t know we’d landed in illegal territory! It just looked like a park!”

“Well, it was the Sovereign’s park!” Rose called back.

“I’m sorry!”

“You should be! These heels are killing me!”

He sighed heavily and was thankful when the TARDIS came into view.

When they finally reached the TARDIS, he pulled out his key and began to unlock the door, not noticing when something else fell out of his pocket.

Rose looked down to see a brightly colored blue box. She picked it up as the Doctor grabbed her arm and yanked her inside, slamming the door shut.

“That was close,” he said, bounding over to the console. He started to set the dematerialization sequence.

Rose squinted at the box as she walked over and plopped down on the jump seat.

The Doctor turned to her and smiled. “Right. Safe as houses. Where would you-“ He stopped when he spotted the box in her hands. “Er…”

Rose looked up at him. “What’s this?”

“It’s…it’s nothing, really. S’just…nothing.”

“You usually carry things in your pockets for a reason,” she pointed out.

“No reason for that,” he said quickly. “Just a box.”

“Can I open it?”

“No!” he cried. He snatched the box back. “No. You can’t.”

Rose blinked in surprise. “All right. I’m gonna go get changed.” She got up and began to leave the room.

The Doctor sighed heavily. “Rose…”

She turned to him.

“I…er…it’s just…well…I was saving it for…an opportune moment.”

She grinned a little. “Opportune?”

He sighed heavily. “Something a little more romantic…and camp…”

“We don’t do romantic very well, you an’ me,” Rose said, still amused as she walked back over to him. “Never have. Not unless nobody else is looking.”

The Doctor frowned. “I was hoping tonight would go much better than it did.”

“Me, too.”

He held out the box to her.

She blinked in surprise. “You said you didn’t want me to open it.”

“I lied,” he said.

Rose studied his serious expression before standing to carefully open the box. Inside it was another box; a ring box. She glanced back up at him in shock.

“Well…? Get on with it.”

She opened the box and stared at the ring in shock.

The Doctor waited.

“That isn’t a bio damper,” she said.

“No. It’s not.”


“Tiffany’s…as in Breakfast At.”


He waited.

She looked up at him and then at the ring. “It’s bloody huge.”

“It’s not that big.”

“S’the biggest ring I’ve ever….”


She looked up at him again.

”I want you to marry me.”

“Oh.” She stared down at the ring, blinking quickly.

“Is that a no?” he asked quietly.

“Why do you want to get married?” Rose asked. “You’ve never wanted to get married before.”

“I just thought…it might be nice.”

She stared up at him. “Nice.”

He snatched the ring box. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s no problem. Forget I asked.”

“I just want to know why!”

“Because I lost you!” the Doctor yelled. “And I almost lost you again a few nights ago! And the thought of losing you again-for good-without…without…”

He didn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t seem to be able to. She watched as he silently set coordinates on the console and left the room completely.

When the TARDIS landed, Rose slowly got to her feet, and opened the door. They’d landed in Cardiff.

when jimmy met martha, rainy day, doctor who

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