Apr 16, 2006 01:00
i love the movie mirror mask
everything about it is so beautiful
my favorite part is when hellena is being brain washed by the dark queen and all the weirdo jack in the boxes are singing the carpenters and putting makeup on her
it rocks
unlike my camera being broken
and being poor
and birds that shit on my car
and not having naturally red hair
those things do not rock
in totally unrelated and extremely ambiguouse news, i believe that everythign has multiple meanings, and i believe that the fact that some people chose not to name other people among their list of friends definately has a meaning, no matter what kind of list it may be. be it on the internet, out loud, or just in their own mind, each list means something els, and each list is important. and now i am just rambling on about things that cant change and matter not at all.