I'm cold...and that's a bit weird

Aug 28, 2006 00:16

I'm weak...I'm listening to 'Scotty Doesn't Know'...oh man that's a funny ass song.
Yeah I think I downloaded like...forty songs tonight. I was inspired by my new love of Goldfrapp (awesome band).
I dunno why I'm still up...I guess because I wanna listen to some of these songs...and I just got a lot of stuff on my mind right now...
You may be asking what...well...a lot. 
Like the fact that I'm worried about what's gonna happen when my parents move back to WV. I mean...I want to move into my own place...I would be so psyched for that. BUT I have not the money...and it's hard to make it when you're going to school and all. I dunno...
My shoulders are really sore...and so is my chest.
I want to be a better girlfriend to Dustin. I keep thinking that I'm not good enough for him anymore. And yeah, that feeling sucks.
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