Yeah...haven't updated in a while

Aug 26, 2006 16:43

So I figured I'd give a go while relaxing at my house. Here's a little update on me...
I'm not going to be a student this semester...Long story...but to make one short, I fucked up so yeah.
I've slowly but surely been losing weight, due to me joining the YMCA, and attempting to work out at least every other day. I don't wanna say too much in fear of jinxing myself and gaining a 
I've given up on alcohol altogether. Not because I think I'm too good for it...but because I'm just tired of it. I'm not a good drunk, and I do NOT like  waking up the next morning to hear all this stupid shit I did/say and that I threw up all over something. It's mortifying, really. I've been 'friends' with alchohol for a long time...since I was about 14 or so...and I think it's time that we part least until I'm, 21. Then that night, I'll drink some...but at my own house...I just don't like not being able to remember things that happened the previous night. That scares me a lot, actually. 
I think everyone should listen to Goldfrapp. They're different...and if you're looking for something relaxing but still really upbeat and cool music to listen to...then there y a go. I heard about them a while back from some of my lj friends. And their song 'Strict Machine' is on two different commercials that you've probably seen. One for Nip/Tuck, and one for the new Chocolate phone...
I'm gonna be 20 in less than a month...and yeah...I'm happy about that.
I got golden circle tickets for staind/hinder....omg....I'm sooooo excited about it lol.
I've decided to stop worrying about what people think of me. It's just stupid. If you don't like me, fine. I won't be thrilled, but whatever, it won't bother me.

I think that's about it for right now.

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