Cash Strapped Tampa Mom Dilutes Baby Formula with Water and Nearly
Kills Her Infant: Health Professionals Concerned Over Incidences of
Water Intoxication in Babies
Ms. Jeri Moss didn't know that drinking water could be harmful, so
she thought she could stretch her baby's formula by adding extra
water to it.
Then last week, her 5 month old son LaDamian had a seizure and
stopped breathing. As Ms. Moss tried to revive him with CPR, it
never occurred to her that giving him water could be the
problem. "If I knew it was harmful, I never would have done it," she
Doctors think LaDamian will recover completely; but warned that most
parents do not know that too much water can be dangerous for baby.
Moss stated that she was not getting enough baby formula from WIC
(Women's, Infants and Children nutrition program.). She decided to
use less formula (4 scoops instead of 6.) She has been feeding her
son that combination since he was born.
LaDamian was born weighing 5 pounds 8ounces. He now weighs 8 pounds
6 ounces. He should weigh about 12 pounds now.
WIC officials told Ms. Moss that the program is only supplemental
and urged Ms. Moss to breastfeed. Ms. Moss had tried nursing her 18
month old, Yasmine but felt Yasmine was always hungry, so she never
breastfed La Damian.
Pediatricians at Johns Hopkins Children's Medical stated that water
is not a healthful drink for babies under one year. Every year they
see babies suffering seizures after been given water to drink. It
takes very little water to cause water intoxication .As little as 3
ounces can be too much.
Too much water dilutes sodium in the blood, and flushes it out of
the body, altering brain activity which then can lead to seizures.
The infant's immature kidneys cannot flush out the excess water fast
enough, causing a dangerous buildup of fluid.
Baby formula is nutritionally balanced when mixed correctly. When
the formula is diluted, the baby must take in more to get the
nutrients he needs. The baby becomes either malnourished or runs the
risk of water intoxication.
Symptoms of water intoxication in an infant:
changes in mental status; irritability or excess crying
Low body temperature, usually 97 degrees or less
facial swelling or puffiness
difficulty breathing
fluttering eyelids