i cant even express how much i love life right now. you know when you have those moments when you realize your on the right track and you have so much going for you and you are smarter then you think? im totally in that state of mind right now. im excited to live haha. i pretty much have my life planned out for the next like four or five years. 2 years at LCC then up to Seattle i go! double major in cartiovascular sonography and prenatal sonography. IM SO READY. everytime i walk into south im just like what am i doing here?? i belong in the real world. and yes im aware of the challenges that im going to run into but im going to figure out a way to overcome them. and in a positive way too. no more negative april. no no no more. that part of me does not exist anymore. im just sooo fricken ready. im doing well in school, im being the social bee that i am, making good decisions. AH! there are so many great people in this world, you just have to look for them. at the beginning of theyear i thought everyone was a poop head but i just didnt take the time to get to know them or listen to their oppinions on different situations. if you ever need to talk, im here to listen. im starting to trust myself more and believe in myself. Im trying to reconnect with old friends. they have changed so much, or maybe its just me who has changed. anyways im really tired and i have a cold. so im going to go watch greys anatomy :) nighty night