I was sitting here thinking what could be better right now then a small pic spam of my OTP? Espically hoping that it might bring my community back to life, since I X-posted it there. Well without further audo I bring you Billie/Mike love!!!
is so fucked up. I tried to do the tag thing but right now my LJ fuckin hates me... so that will have to wait. I'll do it soon. Also I will be writing two new slashes soon. Be expecting them. One will be Adie/Claudia and the other is Young! Billie/Mike. One will be posted in 80_lightyears, and the other will be posted in one_i_want. They should be
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I was at my Grams this past weekend and so I didn't hear about the Blond Billie. As soon as I went to my friends page it was FILLED with picspams and rantings of the Blond Billie. I pretty much agree completly with
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Title:I don't have one... Autor:Who do YOU think it is? Rating:Just fluff... Paring:M OTP... Disclaimer:If I owned them I would be making them fuck with birthday hats on right now and posting it on here. Sorry.