And Love Said No

Aug 25, 2009 16:11

Title: And Love Said No [A One-Shot]
Author: GreenDayHero
Pairing: Vam
Rating: R
Summary: Bam loves Ville, and he's finally going to tell him... or there a flip to the story?
Disclaimer: I don't own Bam and I don't own Ville. I wish...
Authors Notes: This is my first spontaneous one-shot.

There's nothing more that I wanted than to finally be able to call him mine.
Everything about him made me question my mental health and my sexuality.
As far as the world knows... I'm the straightest mother-fucker out there.
But if I loved him anymore than I already do, I'd be gay.
So, to play it safe, we'll say I'm bisexual. At least when it comes to Ville Valo. Every time he speaks to me with his deep accented voice, there's always that potential to turn me on.

For the strangest reason, I felt tonight would be the perfect night to tell him. After all, he is in Pennsylvania for the time being. It would be perfect timing...
But the question still tearing through my mind, is whether or not he'd feel the same.

After standing against the counter, down in the 'Pirate Bar', I let out a sigh and walked up the stairs once I decided I'd give Ville a call and invite him over anyway. Hell, even if I didn't tell him... It's still nice seeing him when he's here.

I stood in the middle of the purple room, giving off the effect that it was darker than it used to be, with my cell phone pressed up against my ear. I stood impatiently as it rang a few times, until I finally heard Ville's voice. Automatically I felt the need to walk around. Move.

"Hey, Bam Bam!"
"Hey, man, what's going on," I asked as I moved to my room.
"'Just sitting on this shitty hotel bed watching the shitty TV," Ville said with a laugh.
"Hotel? Why? You know I have a shit ton of rooms here at my house..."
"Wull, I didn't want to just invite myself over, Bammie," He let out a laugh. "The thought did cross my mind though-"
"So then why don't ya come over?"
"'Guess I have no choice now, right?"
"Unless you want me to come find you and get you myself."
We both laughed, "Alright, Bammie. When do you want me to come over, or when are you picking me up?"
"Right fuckin' now," I laughed while I walked into my room.
"Where at?"
"What hotel you at?"
"The one by that bar you're always at-"
"I'll be there shortly, then."
"Alright, Bam," I could hear shuffling noises as if he was getting ready. "I'll see you in a few then."
"Right. Hurry your ass up."
Ville sighed, "Sure, Bammie. See you later."
"Y'bye, Willa."
"Bye, Bammie."

I hung up the phone and shoved it into my pocket and grabbed my sunglasses from my dresser then walked out of my room with a kick to my step. I walked quickly down the hall and practically skipped down the stairs. I was almost out the door until I was interrupted when someone started speaking to me.

"Where ya going, Bam?"
"I'm gunna go see Ville," I turned around to see Dunn standing near the pool table. "What are you doing?" 
"I was gunna get ready and go do some shit."
"I'll see you later, then."
"What time are you going to be back?"
"I don't know," I said with an annoyed tone then started out the door, yelling over my shoulder, "hopefully before you get back."
"Thanks, Jackass," Ryan laughed. "I'll be gone till tomorrow anyw-"
I shut the door before he could finish his sentence, cutting him off.

"Jee..." I mumbled under my breath before walking over to my purple Lamborghini and quickly getting into it.

Minutes later I was in town driving past all the buildings. My heart was beating fast and I was probably overly way too excited just to see Ville. Although, I could use the fact we haven't seen each other in a while as an excuse, but, I wouldn't be as excited for just that reason. He'd be able to tell. He knows me too well...
Then I saw the tall, dark, and sexy Finn walking down the sidewalk, luckily, on my side of the road.
I slowed down and came to an abrupt stop next to the curb he was walking by. He had no idea I was so close behind him.

"How much for a blow-job," I yelled out the window on the passenger's side.
He turned to look at me with a smile, "For you, I'll do it half price, kulta."
"Get in."
He turned towards the car and leaned in through the window, "Looking at you now, I think I might have to do it for free."
"Oh goodie," I laughed. "Get your Finnish ass in the car, sweetie!" 
He got into the car and looked at me with a smile and shut the door, "Where to, Bam Bam?"
"Where do you want to go?"
"I'm a bit hungry, actually-"
"Food it is then."

We sped off down the street laughing at stupid things and talking about nothing and everything. We stopped at some shitty restaurant and fucked around town for a while until we finally just wanted to go back to my house.

On thew way back to Ville's hotel, Bam kept exchanging quick glances over at him and smiling every so slightly as his heart pounded faster while he drove. What Bam didn't know, is that Ville stole quick glances himself and nervously twiddled his thumbs in his lap . At the time, Ville never thought Bam would know how much he loved him, nor did he know how wrong he was.

Once back at Bam's, Bam led Ville into a room that one of the guys had just moved out of. Ville went in to put his luggage away, and Bam went into his own room to get a little more comfortable now that he didn't have anywhere to go or to be.

Ville sat in the room at the edge of the bed holding his head in his hands. "I've got to tell him...," he whispered under his breath. "It's got to be tonight," he thought, "I have to tell him before it kills me." Suddenly Ville stood and gained a sudden burst of courage as he marched out of the bedroom and down the hall with a grin on his face.
He reached Bam's bedroom and sat on the edge of his bed once he realized Bam was in the bathroom. That is, until he heard Bam's voice from behind the door.
He was on the phone...

Bam seemed to have giggled then say, "I love you too."
Ville's heart sank.
"No," Ville whispered then dropped his head.
His head rose when he saw the bathroom door open to a smiling Bam, "Oh, hey, Ville-"
Before Bam could even finish his sentence, Villle stood in front of Bam and their lips crashed together and Ville's hands held onto Bam's face. Ville pulled away and left Bam staggering with his eyes still closed.
Bam's eyes flickered open and he tried to find words, "Wha- wa- th- Ville?"
"I love you, Bam," Ville said staring at Bam with a sad expression on his face like he was about to cry.
Then Bam suddenly seemed to lose all happiness when disappointment grimaced over him.
"Let me go get your stuff, then, Villie," He said leaving the room.
Ville could only sit on the edge of the bed and hold his face in his hands to await Bam's return. 
"How could I be so stupid?!" Villie said hitting his forehead with the bottom of his palm.
Then Ville looked up to see Bam in the doorway. On hand grasping the door frame and the other on Ville's suitcase. He stood to go retrieve his things until he stopped in front of Bam.
"I-I... I'm so sorry, Bam. I-"
Ville was cut short due to the sound of his suitcase dropping and an overly quick Bam Margera lunging forward, grasping Ville's thin body in his arms.
Their lips crashed together once again for another kiss and Bam's tongue moved across Ville's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Ville parted his lips and his tongue collided with Bam's in a passionate kiss. 
What seemed to have ended too quickly, Bam backed up and stared lovingly into Ville's eyes.
"B-Bam. H- Who was on the phone?"
Bam pulled a face, letting Ville know he thought it was a strange question to ask, "Ape. Why?"
A wave of relief washed over Ville, until he noticed the bag on the floor. "T-then why did you get my stuff?"
Bam smiled he pushed Ville against the wall. Ville moaned into their quick kiss, then wrapped his legs around Bam's waist so Bam was now holding Villie.
Bam smiled again, "You're sleeping in here tonight," then he closed the door.I didn't know what the word 'kulta' meant until I saw a friend use it on her Vam-Fan-Fic and I translated it on a Finnish translator. :] It means sweetheart/love/darling/etc.

but uh, I was listening to C.K.Y., Depeche Mode, 69 Eyes and H.I.M. whilst I wrote this :]



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