Nov 14, 2006 12:12
So yesterday, while I was actually attempting to get some work done, my mind veered into the gutter and stayed there for the rest of the day. Could. NOT. Stop. Thinking. About. Sex.
This happens to me every few months, and has no bearing on where I am in my cycle, the phase of the moon, or what I had for breakfast.
I was so bad off, I printed fanfic to read on my breaks.
Then I went home and read fanfic until midnight. I did do some productive stuff as well - unpacked boxes, made dinner for myself, played with the dog, etc. But there was a full-blown orgy goign on in my head.
What gives?
If anyone has any insight, PLEASE share. I didn't get behind at work or anything, but really! My thoughts should be better behaved than that! I need to stop thinking about and start DOING meditation. I just hate building up to it.