floating just above the earth

Jun 19, 2005 19:00

item #1: Batman Begins is a pretty fucking great movie. Color me impressed. I'd pretty much given up on the whole Batman movie franchise ever redeeming itself but man, redeem itself it did. But then how could I possibly not like a film with Cillian Murphy, Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Liam Neeson and Michael Caine. Great sets, and the way they tied ( Read more... )

batman, cillian, music, random, movies

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lunicanca June 20 2005, 17:39:09 UTC
I definitely agree with item #2. Once I get home and have time to stay up way too late doing all sorts of nothing on the compy, I'll have to start prodding around.


Holy Technology Batman femmenerd June 21 2005, 09:09:47 UTC
Hmmmm, well enough people have now advised that I watch Batman so I guess I'll go. (Oh, I was going to go anyway I was just being ambivalent. CB is Hot).

I just often get tired of how too many freaking big budget comic book movies, hell movies, have that annoyingly repetitive and sexist narrative structure in which the conquest/wooing of the woman just serves to underscore the big awesome dude's other, more significant plot triumphs.

Ahem, yeah.

As for item #6 - I find the same to be true. There's less pressure to respond to LJ comments or pms on message boards. It's diff than with emails, especially emails from "real life people" with whom one has less frequent (and therefore it must be more "meaningful") contact.


Re: Holy Technology Batman femmenerd June 22 2005, 03:49:23 UTC
I'm back to add....I liked it which shocked the hell out of me. I was totally riveted the whole time. It was the only Batman movie that was ever successfully dark in my opinion.


Re: Holy Technology Batman greenapricot June 22 2005, 13:25:09 UTC
I couldn't believe how much I liked it either.

the only Batman movie that was ever successfully dark
& I'm in complete agreement here.


Re: Holy Technology Batman greenapricot June 22 2005, 13:24:01 UTC
I was going to say that there wasn't a whole hell of a lot of women wooing in this one, but now you know that. :)

and therefore it must be more "meaningful"
Yes, that's totally it.


greenapricot June 22 2005, 12:58:24 UTC
:D When you get the the prodding check out hackthis first off. She's got the best crack for sure.


lunicanca June 22 2005, 17:29:47 UTC
Sweet, will do. :D


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