floating just above the earth

Jun 19, 2005 19:00

item #1: Batman Begins is a pretty fucking great movie. Color me impressed. I'd pretty much given up on the whole Batman movie franchise ever redeeming itself but man, redeem itself it did. But then how could I possibly not like a film with Cillian Murphy, Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Liam Neeson and Michael Caine. Great sets, and the way they tied everything together, very well done. I can't seem to resist blue-eye Irishmen no matter what the incarnation. Cillian Murphy as Scarecrow=HOT. I love him even more when he's evilcrazy.

item #2: Though the movie itself was rather mediocre Star Wars RPS is some good fucking crack that I can't seem to tear myself away from. Best/oddest bit, I'm not even ashamed of it. Pure entertainment is pure entertainment, baby.

item #3: I have a sudden and unrelated to anything else craving for I Heart Huckabees slash. Anyone? I can't possibly be the only one who sees the potential. Can I? Shit, I'm going to have to write it myself aren't I?

item #4: The boyfriend got me a cd player for my car for my birthday. And installed it. It plays mp3 cds. It's so sillily thrilling to finally have made it all the way into the modern world and be listening to music that was made after 1995 in my car. Not sure what I'm going to do with my 200-odd cassette tapes though.

item #5: I am way spoiled by iTunes and the fact that I can make playlists that contain nearly a gig worth of songs. It's so hard to narrow them down to enough to fit on a cd.

item #6: I find it strangely easier to reply to LJ comments than email even though they both require the same amount of effort. This is a special sort of lasy I'm sure.

item #7: I am terribly scatter-brained today.

item #8: I've been inside nearly all day and now the sun is finally out so I'm going for a walk before it sets.

batman, cillian, music, random, movies

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