all the highs & the lows & the to's & the fro's. they left me dizzy

Jun 17, 2005 18:08

The sun is back agian. hoozah! I want to writhg but I always have such a hard time writing when I'm in a good moon. This is not entirely a bad thing. So since I'm not ficcing. Book meme!

1. Total number of books owned:
330 or so (including comics and graphic novels). And that explains why the 35 or so of them that I haven't read yet seem to just blend in.

2. The last book I bought:
The first two in the Otherland series by Tad Williams, A Song for Arbonne by Guy Gavriel Kay (I picked up because the cover art is by the same artist of that of one of my favourite books. I knew I had to buy it when I read the back and discovered that it features a mercenary called Blaise) and Tigana by the same author, Watership Down and The Outsiders. All bought at the Salvation Army for 49 cents each. I so win.

3. The last book I read:
At Swim, Two Boys is the last book I finished (& so much love for it). I'm nearly half way through Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell at the moment and it's really really good and only keeps getting better the further I get.

4. 5 books that mean a lot to me:

In no particular order:

Damnbana by Nancy Springer
This is not actually a book, it's a novella that I found in a copy of Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine in 1992 or there abouts. Sortly after reading it for the first time I stole the magazine from my brother (who had the subscriptions) and I've read it about five million times since. It's just something that resonated with me a classic tragic antihero bad guy is actually good story (if there is such a thing).

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
I love books written from more than one POV at a time and this is done so wonderfully. Any writer who can get into five different characters heads at the same time and give them distinct writing styles and thoughts is high up on my admiration list. Also there's a chapter in this book that inspired my very first actual H/D fic of more than 500 words which has nothing to do with the book really just the lovely imagery she paints.

White Oleander by Janet Finch
This entire book is exactly the type of delicious descriptive writing that that makes me squirm and flail with delight. So much so that I don't even really know what to say about it. SO MUCH LOVE FOR THIS BOOK. OMG!

All them Harry Potter books. It's seems funny putting these on here but obviously the books have affected my life quite a bit 'cause without them I wouldn't have met any of you and I probably wouldn't be writing fic. I'm still not sure exactly where the fascination lies there are certainly plenty of books out there with

The Passion by Jeanette Winterson
I as I said before, I love a book written from more than one view point at a time but when you throw in mysterious old cities and turns of phrase that make me squee out loud while I'm reading, well, then I'm yours.

The Smoke Ring & The Integral Trees -Larry Niven
Probably my favourite science fiction books. I can't remember which one is first in the series (& I can't be bothered to go look right now). I love the world he's created a ring of atmosphere with no planet orbiting a star with gigantic trees that grow in it and people who have evolved to be nine feet tall and with prehensile toes. Weird but very cool.

Anything & everything by Philip Pullman
The man is a fucking genius and I can't praise him enough. His turn of phrase, the research that goes into his stories, that fact that there's tragedy of some sort that happens in just about every book and he makes me care about the characters so much that it makes me cry and I love it.

Ecstasia by Fransesca Lia Block
One of the lesser know and very few (actually I think there are only three and one is the sequel to this) non-young adult books that she has written. It is in true FLB dreamy carnival world style but an actual fantasy world with even more lovely dreamy weirdness.

Oh, and then there's The Earth Sea Trilogy and the Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin
She fucking rocks at creating worlds too. LHD is ad a friend of mine put the other day "the original gender bender". I so want to write fic for it but I just don't know where to start.

Ack, must stop before I think of something else.

5. Tag 5 people and have them fill this out on their LJs:
Maybe some of you have done this already, I wasn't keeping track. longsunday, tilney, olukemi, wyoming_knott, femmenerd

& I told myself I wasn't going to post any of them when I started playing with the haiku thing but was just too good to pass up.

books, memes

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