schwarma is tasty. makes me wish I was back in Berlin.

May 06, 2012 11:22

Avengers! Yes! Very full of fantasticness.

Favorite bits:
Banter, all the clever, clever banter. Because of course, it's Joss and I'd kind of forgotten that that would be a thing that would happen. Joss should be in charge of all the super hero ensembles. And also the funny without being stupid.

Bruce and Tony (finally someone who speaks English. yee!). I want more Bruce and Tony interaction. Not slash just those two fantastic minds being fantastic together and following each other's mental leaps that no one else can keep up with. Also, driving off in the convertible together.

Pepper and Tony being domestic and, as my friend pointed out on the way back form the theater, the fact that Tony Stark is the only one of them who has and sort of stable home life. Fucking hilarious.

That the Hulk never said "Hulk smash" Cap did.

Black Widow's extreme badassery. I mean here are all these men with actual super powers and fancy technology and she out there with two pistols and her ability to put you in a head lock with her legs. Which is not nothing but she is the bravest one of them all. And I don't know how much of that is Joss or how much of it is her actually comic character, having not read anything she's in but either way I love it.

Also, (and possibly this is just down to the crazy amount of Sherlock fic I've been reading or late) I very much enjoyed all of the things that came out of Tony's mouth that could equally have come out of Sherlock's (though, of course, I can't think of any right now). I would like all of the crossover fic where Sherlock and Tony piss of each other and everyone else who comes anywhere near them and Pepper and John become best mates.

Oh, and the schwarma!

I'm very much looking forward to seeing it again.

Oh, and I am back from Europe. It was wonderful and I am still feeling the post-vacation relaxation three weeks on. Still haven't finished sorting and editing my photos though (700+ is a lot to go through). I may have to just give up on my need to have them be in an order that tells a story and start posting random shots just 'cause I like them or I may never post anything.

tony stark, travel, avengers, iron man

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