when out of the doorway the tentacles stretch of a song that I know

Feb 02, 2012 10:02

I've been meaning to post since I first watched A Scandal in Belgravia, but my renewed Sherlock love was too strong for any sort of coherent thought. And then The Hounds of Baskerville happened and I was completely consumed and have barely picked up the book I'm reading since because all I wanted to read, all I wanted to do, was read Sherlock fic. All of the Sherlock fic. Fic I've read six times and fic that's new and WIPs and AUs and everything.

And then Reichenbach.

I can't imagine what that must have been like for people who aren't familiar with canon. (And I know there are people, maybe not in fandom, but I've been providing episodes for my massage therapist and chiropractor (and my chiropractor's wife and teenage daughter) and I felt I needed to give them some warning for like potentially disturbing images and emotional turmoil. But when I said Reichenbach they didn't know what that meant. And I ended up just saying, just remember, no matter what happens there will be a third season. Everything will be okay.)

But, um. Yeah, see. That's what Sherlock has done to me, strange parenthetical tangents and now everything. Everything. Just comes back to Sherlock. Everything reminds me of a line of dialog, or a scene, or a quirk of an eyebrow, or a smirk. Every song is about Sherlock or John or Sherlock and John (seriously, this is the complete truth). Oh, and I love it. I love this all consuming fannish glee (though it is not just glee it is all the fucking feelings too, but even when I am gutted I am happy about it because it is so so fucking good). It's like falling in love. Actually, that's exactly what it is. Falling in love all over again with these lovely people that live in my head. And no matter how many times it happens, no matter how many times I feel it, whether it's with new characters or the same ones again, I never get tired of it. What a boring life it must be for people who aren't prone to this sort of fannish love.

fandom is love, sherlock

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