sometimes I want to be Sherlock Holmes. it'd be a nice justification for feeling misanthropic

Dec 21, 2011 19:24

When an introvert says that they don't want to see any people and want to spend the one day this week that it's possible by themselves the correct response isn't a pitting awww, the correct response is cool. So I have successfully brushed off all potential people who might stop by (and just in case I've locked the door).

The triumph of the day is that I was able to take a bath on this dark, rainy, 38˚ day. The reason why that's a triumph is that the hot water in my house is currently solar only. No sun, not hot water. But, yesterday the 80 gallon tank that's attached to the solar panels got up to 132˚ (that's what 35˚ and sunny can do even on one of the shortest days of the year) and it only lost 16˚ between last night and this evening. 118˚ is the minimum temperature the tank needs to be at to fill the (oversized) bathtub. So I put a couple of pots of water on the woodstove and boiled water in the electric teapot a couple of times and, ta da! a full hot bathtub. I feel accomplished anyway (and relaxed). I've spent a lot of time thinking about the sun, water temperature, and how the two are related since the propane hot water heater died back in October. There's a big difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny as it turns out.

Sherlock Holmes 2 was everything I wanted it to be. Full of bromance (I hate that word, but there really isn't anything else that describes what's going on there) and dialog pulled straight from the stories. I actually said the wisest man I have ever known bit along with Watson under my breath. I couldn't help myself it made me so happy to hear it word for word, on top of the sadness of the fact that Watson thinks Holmes is dead at that point. I hope the next one (there is going to be a next one, right?) starts with Watson not knowing for sure that Holmes is still alive so we can have the Holmes showing up dressed as an old man and Watson not recognizing him at first bit.

Stephen Fry was fantastic as I expected he would be. Also, he seemed to be playing himself as much Mycroft but I am totally down with Mycroft being Stephen Fry so I was nothing but entertained.

And Reichenbach! I knew there was going to be Moriarty but I didn't know it was going to be Reichenbach. I definitely want to see it again.

Speaking of Sherlock Holmes things. Sherlock trailers! We get Reichenbach, Irene Adler, Baskerville (which, you know, I already knew) but also Sherlock naked, wrapped in a sheet; hand cuffs; punching and subtext; and John in a robe (with a towel). So fucking excited!

And The Hobbit trailer made me tear up with it's epic music and feelings. A whole year though. That's a long damn wait.

So at this point Martin Fucking Freeman has been Arthur Dent, John Watson, and soon Bilbo Baggins. So many awesome iconic characters that I love. It makes me love him even more than I already did just thinking about it.

Now back to my regularly scheduled spending time by myself in which I will make dinner, have a glass of wine, and knit while rewatching White Collar S3.

sherlock holmes, sherlock, ...the universe and everything

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