I've seen Deathly Hallows
and now I find myself wanting bleak wandering Trio fic. The feeling of the war, the cinematography, the desperation. So well captured. It's how I'd always thought all that should feel for all those years of thinking about how it would end before OotP came out. And the Trio movie characterization finally completely matches the way I want them to be. I am kind of totally in love with Hermione's little Sherlock Holmes moment ("I have a logical mind. It allows me to think without distraction, etc." <3). Definitely the best movie so far. I very much look forward to the epicness that will be the second half. In short. I approve.
Also, I've been reading a lot of Sherlock fic lately. And enjoying it immensely. Here's my lazy version of recs:
my Sherlock fic tag on delicious.
In non-fannish news, Thanksgiving was lovely and low stress. Instead of driving 2 1/2 hours to someone else's house my folks came to my place and brought half the food with them, which made for delightfully chill hanging out. I don't think I've had a Thanksgiving that stress free since I was living in my parent's house and too young to drive.