all the right moves and in the right place

Dec 28, 2010 13:24

Christmas was, much to my surprise and joy, largely unstressful and quite enjoyable. And now, since I launched two large websites that I'd been working on for months the week before Christmas, I find myself without a whole lot of work to do. So, I'm taking an unintended but welcome little semi-vacation in which I only have to work for a few hours at a go. And, for the first time in like six months or so, my lack of work actually coincides with T's lack of work. Life is good.

Also, Fandom meme:

Your main fandom of the year?
Inception, in a way that I haven't had a main fandom for possibly years.

Your favorite film watched this year?
Definitely Inception. Can't remember the last time I saw a film in the theater four times.

Your favorite book read this year?
I've been reading so much fic (of all sorts) since July that I'm finding it hard to recall books I've ready. I think I read the first three books of Lynn Flewelling's Nightrunner series this year. Those were very enjoyable but I'm not sure they're in the favorite category. I enjoyed The Magicians by Lev Grossman quite a bit. Also, The Liar by Stephen Fry, but I'm not 100% sure I read it this year. The main character of The Liar is just the sort of fictional asshole I love best. Also, I've been slowly working my way slowly through the complete Sherlock Holmes in between other things and I am very much loving that. I keep being amazed at how totally engaging something that was written so long ago can be.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
Favorite album that I bought this year is definitely High Violet by The National. Favorite song (off that album) tied between England, Runaway and Terrible Love (all of which I have put in my possibly to be forever unfinished Inception mix). Also, I continue to be in love with In Rainbows and managed to get my hands on the mysterious disc two a week ago and that just cemented my love (I mean, there is a line about being stuck in the TARDIS in one of the songs. Radiohead referencing Doctor Who, so much love). My most listened to artists this year are probably The National and Radiohead. Other things that tend to be on heave rotation: We Were Promised Jetpacks, Arcade Fire and these two Inception fan mixes.

Your favourite TV show of the year?
That aired this year: Misfits (though I am also still loving House, White Collar and Dexter). That I watched this year: The Wire (with Mad Men coming in second). I've got one episode of The Wire left and I've been kind of putting off watching it 'cause once I do it will be over forever and I don't want it to be.

Your favourite LJ community of the year?
I don't spend a lot of time on comms, I mostly just read from my flist and recs but inception_kink has brought me much joy.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Inception. Inception. Inception. (Though, I want to reword the question to say "best new fandom that didn't even exist six months ago.")

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
The Walking Dead. Okay, that's not a fandom disappointment so much as a comic that I love turned into a show I really wanted to like but just couldn't. It could have been SO good. I think I need to just come to terms with the fact that TV can't seem to ever to any sort of apocalypse properly and stop expecting things that are never going to happen.

Your TV boyfriend of the year?
Nathan Young (Misfits), the dirty little fucker. Though he's more "TV boyfriend of right this second" than of the year.

Your TV girlfriend of the year?
Amy Pond. And now I would really like to see a crossover in which Amy, The Doctor and Nathan interact in any way.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Searching for fic less than a week after having seen Inception and discovering that not only did it exist but it was awesome and written by some of my favorite fic authors.

The most missed of your old fandoms?
I've experienced a lot of Harry Potter nostalgia this year even before Deathly Hallows came out. Reread a couple of the first H/D fics I ever read.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
This doesn't really apply. I tend to watch things and then look for fic not the other way around. But, I did start reading Sherlock fic many months after having watched and I'd been bookmarking fic when I came across it written by someone I like in between the watching and the eventual reading.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
Misfits S3 (which is going to be like next November so that'll be a wait), Deathly Hallows part 2 and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. More immediately, House, Castle and White Collar coming back in January and Californication S4 starting.

doctor who, music, meme, ...the universe and everything, misfits, books, harry potter, inception, sherlock

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