and so I'll sing that yellow bird's song

Dec 26, 2009 16:09

The week leading up to Christmas was incredibly stressful for various reasons (all sorts of hurry up and wait/but we need this before Christmas even if we haven't given you the material you need to start it/bureaucratic work related nonsense, T's van stranding him on the side of the highway and the subsequent fetching, anxiety issues, etc.) but the day itself was lovely and chill. Spent the morning at home baking pies and then made the nice short half hour drive to my brother's where we had chill buffet-style dinner (featuring ham from a pig raised by my aunt) and we all spoiled my 18 month old nephew (he's my only nephew, the first grandchild and in my completely unbiased opinion the cutest child in the entire universe).

Today has been even more relaxing. I've been putting around the house, did a little bit of cleaning, a bit of walking in the surreal snowy mist, and a whole lot of sitting on the couch drinking tea and poking around this year's yuletide offerings. Ah, the glory of not having anything one has to do. Boy, I have I ever been needing this. And next week I'm only working two days and then three of my favorite people will be coming to visit. And I'm really looking forward to New Year's and the party we're throwing which I've been looking forward to that since the beginning of Dec.

Last, but most importantly (though a day late), Happy Birthday turnonmyheels! I hope your day was beyond lovely.

And now, I shall make soup with the last remnants of the chicken I cooked Thursday night.

...the universe and everything

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