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turnonmyheels April 19 2008, 03:28:34 UTC
Tosh rules.

In my mind, Ianto has already killed Grey and set up the cryo-unit to make it look like a malfunction just in case a) Jack decides to try the whole family reunion thing again b) the unit does malfunction and he thaws and does it again c) Jack did essentially the same thing for him with Lisa and he's returning favor d) he really *is* that ... twisted isn't the right word. Calculating, pragmatic, cold, disassociative. It's very Slytherin - Snape would have done it too.

Friday Night Lights has made me cry more. But Toshiko broke my heart. I wept. Normally Jason Street and Matt Saracen are the only ones that can do that.


poisontaster April 19 2008, 04:32:07 UTC
In my mind, Ianto has already killed Grey and set up the cryo-unit to make it look like a malfunction just in case a) Jack decides to try the whole family reunion thing again b) the unit does malfunction and he thaws and does it again c) Jack did essentially the same thing for him with Lisa and he's returning favor d) he really *is* that ... twisted isn't the right word. Calculating, pragmatic, cold, disassociative.
OMG, CAN I WRITE THIS? I know you don't know me and we've never spoken, but OMG, if you are not going to write that, CAN I??


turnonmyheels April 19 2008, 11:02:00 UTC
You can write that [and write it and write it and write and write it] *g*. Seriously, that would make me ecstatic, because I would *love* to read it.

You do know me a bit, I recently changed names, though I'm still using my old one on IJ and reading you there.


poisontaster April 19 2008, 16:47:09 UTC
OH. Um...hi! *laughs* That's awesome, because I really love that idea. Just.. *hums* That's so delicious. Thank you!


turnonmyheels April 19 2008, 17:12:04 UTC
I look forward to reading it!


poisontaster April 30 2008, 22:59:27 UTC
I don't know how well I did, but it's posted here. Or on IJ. :D


greenapricot April 20 2008, 14:39:44 UTC
OMG. WRITE IT. WRITE IT! That will be fo fucking awesome, dude. *shimmies*


greenapricot April 20 2008, 14:38:25 UTC
Tosh. I can't help but sigh every time I think about her now.

Oh he did. He totally totally did. I am going to adopt this as my own person canon until proven otherwise. I really don't see how it could happen any other way now it just seem so right.

He is very Slytherin. That's totally the descriptor I was looking for when I was trying to think about Fractures and his ruthless pursuit of the job. Calculating, pragmatic, cold, disassociative. Yes, all of that. My huge love of Ianto suddenly makes complete sense now.

And now I'm thinking about what house Jack would be in. My first instinct was Gryffindor, of course, but now that I think about it maybe he's a Hufflepuff. There's that whole fierce loyalty thing...

Oh, right. Friday Night Lights (god, it's been so long since the last ep I for got it existed. scary) I've cried almost as much at FNL.


turnonmyheels April 21 2008, 12:53:10 UTC
One of the first things I do when I start out in a new fandom is sort people. Inevitably, I love the Slytherins the most. I just can't help myself - but sometimes you get the *best* Hufflepuffs (like Tim Riggins) and you just melt all over them.

Ianto - Slytherin
Gwen - Hufflepuff
Tosh - Ravenclaw
Owen - Slytherin
Jack - Hufflepuff, you're not brave if you're never gonna die!

Funny how there's no Gryffindor there, maybe if they add a couple members to the team they'll get one.


greenapricot April 21 2008, 13:30:28 UTC
I knew I could count on you to have everyone sorted, I just knew it. *g* I do think Gwen is more Gryffindor than Hufflepuff, though.

Oh man, Tim. He really is the best Hufflepuff ever. It makes me heart kind of flutter thinking about him.


turnonmyheels April 21 2008, 13:34:23 UTC
Gwen's one of those borderline characters who probably would have begged the hat to put her in Gryffindor. But I think she's loyal enough and hard working enough to merit Hufflepuff. Of course, Jack was pretty damn brave back with the Doctor and Rose - he's very borderline too.

Ianto? All Slytherin.


greenapricot April 21 2008, 17:26:14 UTC
Gwen is most definitely hard working but her loyalty is kind of, I don't know, off somehow that feels more like Gryffindor than Hufflepuff to me. Jack's loyalty on the other hand totally makes him a Hufflepuff. Oh, except then there's the whole leaving TW to follow the Doctor thing. But I don't think that speaks to a lack of loyalty to TW just hi need to fulfill his quest for the Doctor. it's hard to let go of something you've been obsessing over for a 150 years. *g* Jack is complicated.

Ianto is a 110% Slytherin for sure.


turnonmyheels April 21 2008, 17:31:32 UTC
She definitely has the selfishness inherent in Griffyndors. ::Nods nods nods:: Okay. Gwen = Gryff. Jack = Hufflepuff. Tosh = Ravenclaw [oh tosh! you're still breaking my heart] leaving Ianto and Owen as Slytherins.

This satisfies me on multiple levels.

Of course, if Owen weren't such a bastard, I might have felt inclined to sort him differently. But his bastardness is most of *why* I loved him. Weevil King and all.

I still haven't watched the episodes with Jack on the Valiant. I've viewed his first stint on Dr. Who and have re-watched season 1 through ... Diane leaving Owen. I'm nearly there! And then episodes I've never seen and the loveliness of season 2. YAY TORCHWOOD.


greenapricot April 21 2008, 17:41:11 UTC
Selfishness, yes! That is the word I was looking for. This is very very good. A well rounded team needs members of all houses. I am satisfied as well.

Yay, indeed. I think I'm going to watch all of TW again (and maybe the Who too) just 'cause I am longing for more and there isn't any.


turnonmyheels April 21 2008, 17:42:29 UTC
I made good viewing time re-watching until now, when suddenly there are new episodes of other things!


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