i've got a message for you if i could only remember

Oct 18, 2007 10:13

Wow, it's Thursday again already. This past week has gone incredibly fast and yet quite slow at the same time.

There's nothing like being away for five days to really make the work stack up. It's mostly happy work not stressful work, though, so that is of the good. More fun new website designs and less mind numbing catalog. But, with that and all the things I'm doing this weekend (baby showers and planning meetings for hippie summer camp) I don't imagine I'll be around much till Monday. Which is probably for the best since I doubt I'm going to manage to watch tonight's SPN or Friday's FNL before then anyway (and as to last week's eps SPN: \o/. FNL: wow.)

As much fun as I had a Wincon it is damn good to be home in the lovely peak foliageness. I am so not a city girl in any way shape or form. I need the trees, they are calming. And, yeah, I may get around to making a con report (or babbling) at some point but I am very slow at these things.

Watched Monday's Californication last night and I am still very very much in love. Someday I will have the time to make icons of David Duchovny (why does it take me three tries to spell it right every damn time?) scratching his ass in his black boxerbriefs and all will be right with the world.

I am in a fic reading mood for the first time in what feels like weeks which has nicely coincided with a post-Wincon fic explosion on my flist. But, of course, now I don't have the time. My life is so very hard. *tags things in delicious*

Damn you Mona and your distracting links. *shakes tiny fist*

work, ...the universe and everything, fnl, supernatural, californication

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