my mama, she was the only daughter of an engineer

Aug 16, 2007 15:52

What with being away and all I missed a whole lot of what's going on with the LJ deletions etc. (and I can't say I'm sad I wasn't around to obsessively refresh my flist and wonder what was up). Anyway. I'm not going anywhere, at least for the immediate future, but I do have journals over at greatestjournal, insanejournal and journalfen. I've tried to go through and friend all the obvious names but let me know if you're name's different or something, or if you are there and I missed you, or especially if you're not going to be posting on LJ anymore, or whatever.


I'm sure I'm far more amused by that fact that there is a Hurricane Dean than I ought to be.

The cleverness of crows makes me happy.

lj, easily amused, link spam, where i'm at

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