and we can jump in the river, don’t know if the water or sky is clearer

Jun 19, 2007 21:25

I had a lovely birthday yesterday (and a lovely weekend before basically doing nothing but drinking wine and watching things with catling42). The weather was the absolutely perfect t-shirt and jeans and no socks temperature (my favorite). And for the first time in what feels like months I didn't have a ton of work that needed to be done so I worked a little and read fic and wandered around the yard talking on the phone and had a generally relaxing day. Then T came home and we went for a nice walk and then watched the X-Files and drank wine. I mean that may not sound like a terribly exciting birthday or anything, but it was just exactly what I needed.

That and I got fic! Dark Water from innie_darling a beautiful and heartbreaking look at teenage Dean taking care of his Sammy that I can't help but put my hand over my heart sigh over dreamily about.

Every Rose Has Its Thorn from femmenerd which just. IT IS ABOUT TEENAGE DEAN AND A GIRL WHO LIKES CARS AND HAS A POISON SONG TITLE. There's really nothing more awesome than someone who's known you really well for a long time writing fic just for you.

And then, I was having all these thinky thoughts about getting older and not feeling older and how age is kind of a weird thing to be thinking about in the first place, but I didn't really manage to organize my thoughts coherently 'cause I'm in a dreamy "I just want to read pretty things and listen to the new cds I bought myself" mood so I'm just gonna go do that.

my friends are awesome, supernatural, spn recs

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