always had a smile and a reason to pretend

Feb 25, 2007 00:41

Matt and Julie are so cute and sweet and the two of them together makes me grin like no one's business.

And then Tim. Oh, Tim. He just breaks my heart and breaks my heart and breaks my heart and I really couldn't possibly love that boy any more right now. My god. He does every stupid stubborn boy thing that he absolutely shouldn't do and I just love him more every damn time. And the he does the right thing, and man, showing up to try to talk to Tyra. gah. *heart breaks a little more* And he hustles pool. And his dad totally taught him how and OMG the cracky Dean and Tim thoughts I'm having now. Tim trying to hustle Dean and Dean hustling right back. Also, Tim's dad is the sheriff from S1 of The Young Riders. This amuses me greatly.

And those are my entirely short and shallow thoughts but god, I really love this fucking show and everything about it and every one of it's beautifully flawed characters (even the ones I don't actually love). I don't understand how it keeps managing to get better and better every time and damn is it ever good.

tim riggins, best fucking show ever. seriously, dean, fnl, winchesters/riggins, fnl episode babble

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