tales are often spun here, it's a busy place

Nov 29, 2006 15:45

I've been rewatching Northern Exposure lately (which is strangely also showing it to T for the first time. It still boggles my mind that after all this time he'd never seen a single ep till I showed it to him) and through this I have realized/remembered three things. 1) I have been in love with Chris Stevens since I was fifteen (that's half my freaking life) and even though I hadn't seen the show in years and years the second I started watching again that crush is right back. Hoo boy. The intelligent, bad-ass, new age (but not in that annoying way that makes my skin crawl), bikerness. The weird shit he says. The fingerless gloves. His Chrisness. Just, everything. Chris Stevens, man. CHRIS STEVENS. 2) Watching the show is like seeing old friends I haven't seen in a years and it's very comforting. 3) I had a third but now I'm thinking about Chris and I can't remember it.

In other tv news, Heroes just keeps getting better and better and it's non-hiatusness will help me get through the lack of everything else.

Also, Zombies vs. Frank Lloyd Wright. Because, how freaking cool is that?

fictional crushes, zombies, chris stevens is the love of my life, heroes, northern exposure

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