where do we go from here. the words are coming out all weird.

Nov 28, 2006 12:29

The whole world is annoying right now. Has been since yesterday and it's. Annoying. And for no real one concrete reason just lots of little things. God, even this post is annoying.

Okay, things that aren't annoying right now:

• The 12 giant wild turkeys that were wandering around my yard while I was making tea this morning.

• My cat curling up with my while I watched the trilogy of Dean angst last night.

• The cat still being curled up in the same spot in the blankets I left him in when I got up.

• Listening to Radiohead really loud.

• Comic book stores.

• Book 8 of Y: the Last Man and book 5 of Eden.

• Tea.

• Jensen's shoulders in a grey t-shirt.

The freckles on Jensen's ear


cat babble, jensen, wildlife, pointless bitching, spn picspam, comics, lists

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