life's a dirty business so why not do it while

Oct 06, 2006 10:27

How much do I love seeing Dean work on the car. I could watch just that for hours. Weeks. Man. I got mechanic!Dean and I didn't even have to write it. Wish number two for S2 come true.

I also very much appreciate the boys wearing only one tshirt. I notice they only do that at Bobby's, though. I wonder is that 'cause they only feel save wearing on layer at a known place? Bobby will look out for them even if they don't have those extra shirts as protection. heh. Too bad we didn't actually get to see Bobby, though. That is the only problem I have with this ep.

I like Ellen and Ash (and I love that he got kicked out of MIT for fighting) and I like Jo. And yes, I like her 'cause she punches Dean in the face their first meeting.

Dean giving Sam shit about clowns and Sam giving Dean shit about flying and "Planes crash." "And apparently clowns kill." So much love.

That last scene. Holy shit. Dean hitting the car hurts more than anything I've seen so far, more than the truck hitting it. I literally gasped and put my hands over my mouth and held my breath with tears in my eyes until it was over. God, I'm a little shaky here (and that there would be the disadvantage of watching the ep before working). GAH. Oh, Dean. Oh, Sam. Oh, boys. Oh, Dean. They are so broken, and just exactly like they should be.

I was a bit worried at first that this could live up the the greatness of In My Time of Dying. I shouldn't have worried. This show owns me. Hardcore. God, I love it SO much. They keep doing everything exactly right and making me love it more and at some point my heart is going to burst.

And now, so much work to get done.

spn episode babble, supernatural

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