hi diddle dee dee, goddamn, the pirate's life for me

Oct 05, 2006 11:29

I stayed up late and woke up late and it's all sunny and blustery and yellow leaves blowing around against blue sky and it's Thursday and life is good. So, a list. Things I love about Supernatural and the fandom:

How much Dean says bitch.

• Kripke is a fanboy and so many kinds of awesome and does teleconferences with fans to answer questions. (That link could be considered spoilery if you consider tone of the show type comments to be spoilers.)

• There are so many awesome smart people and they do all this great research and find fascinating things about demons and planetary talismans, and alchemy, and Nephilim (all those links contain spoilers for S2x01). And then there's just the fact that all that shit is in the show and it can be found with research 'cause they did the research when they wrote it. How fucking cool is that? I love it when there's reality in my fiction.


His own boots. HIS OWN BOOTS! (Which I've noticed he wears all the time. He had them on at the Teen Choice Awards and the rent boy shoot. God, I love a man who has a favorite pair of boots.)

How much do I love the whole junkyard thing. SO MUCH. gah. Hot guy + old car = Pri brain explody. Every damn time.

It's post-apocalyptic!Jensen. nngh.

*dead from freckles*

And, everybody's seen these already but I don't care 'cause he is So. Very. Pretty.

gah. This one stops me in my tracks every time I look at it. Literally takes my breath away.

He's even got freckles on his arms. gah.

Oh, the smile.

Jared's heart breaking sad face.

God, I can hardly even look at it. Oh, Sammy.

• Fic like Beach Blanket Poltergeist that is smart and funny and heart wrenching and full of real life details and too awesome for words.

• The Impala!

• There are going to be zombies in S2. Twice.

• That there are so many things that I love that trying to think of them all at once makes me unable to think.

Also, I love the Mountain Goats, and this song and how great all their songs are for driving and how they are little stories and them make me think other little stories in my head. And also how they make me think of Supernatural.

*draws hearts around everything*

jensen, spn picspam, lists, jared, recs, oh fandom, supernatural, happiness

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