I love it when my dreams have dialog and scene changes just like fic. Too bad all I can really remember about said dream is that it was very detailed and seemingly coherent (v. unusual for my dreams) and that there was Alec and he was talking. A lot. That's what all that Dark Angel watching'll do to me I guess.
I feel like I've been living in a cloud for days. It is a good cloud full of fic and obsession and fangirling and even though I suspect that the cloud feeling of it all is due to the fact that I seem to have some sort of cold I think I'll stay right here (where I shall avoid work as long as possible 'cause right now I can).
I got apocific for my birthday! Really really good apocific! I so totally win! :D
Water in One Hand by
ana_grrlFirefly, Mal/Simon and the rest of the crew, post BDM, and everything slowly falling apart. Yee!
Headlights on Dark Roads by
longsundaySupernatural, Sam and Dean and the end of the world (in a great and different sort of way)! (and named after a Snow Patrol song which makes me stupid happy 'cause I'm a dork like that)
As usual when I really really like something I have nothing coherent to say just flailings of love, but. Just go read ze fics 'cause they are yummy! And how can you not love a really good apocific? How? (and yes I realize it's a bit odd how I get all excited and happy about the apocalypse but. I just do. :D)
Another random apocific I stumbled across:
It's Not Hiding If Everyone Knows Where You Are by
trollprincessSPN again and there are zombies! Yay!
And, not apocalypsey and not a fic but a vid:
I Feel You by
keepaofthecheez Sam/Dean and made of awesome! If your Supernatural obsession is wanning in anyway watch this and you will be instantly sucked back in.
There is so much fic to read and not enough time. omg. Also, must find Supernatural mood theme. *searches*
This is icon is my new favorite thing. ever. (for right now)