baby you're the words and chapters. the sweetness in the morning after

May 28, 2006 09:23

X3: saw it on Friday. Over all I approve but there are a couple of things that bugged me. A fucking dart that can make you not a mutant? So not on. And shooting Mystique with it? And Magneto? That's just hitting way below the belt. It's like a weapon that changes who you are with no warning and the implications of that bug the shit out of me. The entire rest of the theater just about cheered when the darts hit Magneto and I was like 'NO, you can't do that to him". heh. Talk about rooting for the bad guys. Magneto was right though, you can't just leave that shit lying around, not when they're going to weapoinize it. You can't trust the government. Killing Xavier. Also, v. bad. And Rogue de-muntanting herself? So disappointing, and unnecessary, 'cause now they've got that freaky kid she and Bobby can touch as long as he's in the room. Also, younger Eric and Charles together makes me v. v. happy (even if you could totally see the weird cg they used to make Ian McKellan look that young). So yeah, the end was kind of eh. But the rest of was great. I'll totally be seeing it again.

Random letter meme that I'd forgotten about, but today I'm in the mood for such things: Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.

ana_grrl gave me T.

1. Travelling - I have a near constant wanderlust. Mostly it's just a sort of hum in the background but when it gets to a roar and my feet itch and my hands itch that's when I have to go. I can usually last eight or nine months or so after a trip before I really start itching to go again.

2. Tough guys - Dean Winchester, Malcom Reynolds, Brian Kinney, Spike Spiegel, Jimmy Hickock. I could go on. The more emotionally repressed the better. I love them to bits.

3. Tragedy - I love LOVE a story that rips my heart out and leaves me breathless and staring with tears in my eyes. Even if it does sometimes leave me traumatized for days.

4. Tangents - My brain side tracks me constantly. I think and write and speak in paragraph long parentheses that by the end of even I've forgot what the real point was.

5. Talking on the phone - I love talking on the phone and it's hard to get me to stop talking once I've started but I hate. HATE. Making phone calls. Sometimes it's like some sort of strange torture having to pick up the phone and dial no matter how well I know the person on the other end. I even hate answering the phone half the time.

6. Thrift stores - I have what I like to call the 'rummage sale gene'. It gives me the power to find amazing and wonderful clothes (and other things) at places like the Salvation Army. I am so good at it that 95% of my clothes are from such places. The though of paying for anything at the new price in some actual store is very odd to me.

7. Turns of phrase - By which I mean the differences between British and American English, and Austrailan English and all the dialects and slang and everything else in between. It totally fascinates me how it can be the same language and even the same words but have completely different meaning and usage.

8. Tradition - I'm not much for traditions. Mostly I just find them to be stupid and nonsensical. Epscially those attached to weddings where it often feels like they have to because some unknown anonymous force things they should rather than it actually meaning anything to them.

9. Trees - I love trees, especially really old ones. A tree that's big enough I can't put my arms all the way around it makes me want to sit and talk with it, touch it, let it know how amazed by it I am. The closest thing I think I've ever felt to any sort of higher power is sitting in the presence of a really old tree.

10. Tea - I have three drawers in my kitchen dedicated solely to tea and it still doesn't all fit. I bring tea with me everywhere I go just in case, 'cause a day with out tea is just. bad.

femmenerd will be here tomorrow! And all of the next two weeks shall be dedicated to fun and friends and very little work. *does happy flailing dance*

whee, femmenerd, memes, friends, movies

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