someone tell me where did it go, darling i'm damned if i know

May 23, 2006 12:33

A question of the utmost importance: If you we trying to suck someone in to Supernatural fandom which episodes would you show them?

So far I'm thinking Hell House (for the funny and sci-fi refs), Bloody Mary, Skin (for the slash), Nightmare, Asylum, Bugs ('cause of the fandom shoutouts but not such a great ep), Provenance, Faith, The Benders, Something Wicked. See that's ten already. That's too many for a day and a half of time available. blerg. I need some sort of hour or two long montage trailer like thing with the highlights.

Why does everyone come out of the woodwork wanting things all at once with small crisis after big crisis after small crisis right when time implodes on me and there just aren't enough hours in the day? How did it get to be past noon already? Yes, I did stay up 'til 2 am rewatching Supernatural 'cause I just couldn't stop but I still got up at 8:30 and started working right away and *runs in hand flailing circles*

Okay, maybe if I can get this website done today I will feel less crazy.

*gets more tea and buckles down*

work, supernatural, time (& lack there of)

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