Silent Way: "Put another one there"

Apr 11, 2014 19:54

Длинный (1 час 20 минут) урок английского для начинающих японцев по методу Silent Way Калеба Гаттеньо.
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На форуме* гаттенистов одна из коллег (Гленис) предлагает следующие вопросы, помогающие понять, что делают учитель и ученики, в частности, на кусочке "Put one there." (начало в 31:03).
  • What does the teacher do to help the students find the rhythm of the sentence?
  • What does the student in the brown top do - and not do - that shows she doesn't really understand the meaning of "there"?
  • Why doesn't Don let her take a rod?
  • Does she seem embarrassed or frustrated when he stops her?
  • How do we know the student in the striped top has no ideas of the contrast in meaning between "here" and "there"?
  • The student in the light-coloured clothes makes a gesture that shows she has understood pointing is important but has a slightly erroneous hypothesis. What does she do?
  • She then says and points correctly "Put one here." Why doesn't Don accept it?
  • She then points correctly and says "Put one there." How does Don test she really knows what she's doing and saying?
  • Immediately after, 33:14, we hear the student in the brown top saying something in such a way that it shows she's realised the meaning too. What is it? How does her body language indicate understanding?
  • Why doesn't Don continue working on the the rhythm of the sentence during this sequence?
*Ссылку не даю, поскольку форум на днях переезжает, добавлю позже.

language teaching/learning, yazyk

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