Aug 28, 2009 10:51
shit. There is a cut off on number of characters in the title.... Um....
living our lives proudly being who we are.
There are people I really like who I get to read about their lives online in one capacity or another. There is also a weird sense of (is it gemeinschaft? Somehow that and geselleschaft get stuck in my head when thinking of this stuff. Ah, going back to the Macalester class with Professor Heiman.) false (or just different) community that we get through the internet with people we don't actually know. What then happens when we do get to know them better in an online environment? When it stops being online only?
Where do the lines of privacy and personal stuff go when one is also posting things to the internet? What interaction is there between being proud of who I am and letting other people see it, being scared people will reject me and not posting personal things or identifying things online? If I loved every single piece of myself completely and totally (while of course still striving to change things, too, no less) would I then be willing to post anything and everything to the universe at large? Once upon a time I might have said yes on some level. Now, post a few formative relationships in my life, I am not so sure on that front. I appreciate some things being mine, private, not shared at large. There are also some people who I kind of prefer not to know some details about me. I don't trust them. Does that also imply a lack of trust in myself or the system, that I don't trust they wouldn't do something bad about it or that I may not entirely trust that I could defend myself against it or that I don't trust the system to protect me even if the other party is in the wrong?
What about my obligation and my responsibility to be an example for others, of who I am? Don't know.