It is Halloween afterall

Oct 31, 2005 11:49

green_midget's Halloween party:

____x____vanity dressed as the President of Comoros.

chameleonpyro dressed as a new superhero: Giant Rocket.

iactlikeaprnces dressed as a halfback for the Packers, though it looked more like the spirit of their dead grandmother Paula.

irish_luv_muff dressed as Jenny McCarthy's grandfather.

kilayi_s74r dressed as Princess Leia.

kimmcdonald dressed as a total hawk.

lilmissemo3 dressed as a brave angel.

loseirdo didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

oninorei forgot to put on clothes!

phobia0fyou dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Angel of New York.

rose_of_silence dressed as Ted Williams, and it suited them all too well.

sexylilthing89 dressed as the Duke of Ritoedix, though it looked more like Charlize Theron.

thefoolwithout dressed as the equator.

xdevastation dressed as the love child of Geraldo Rivera and Tipper Gore.

xechox dressed as a 1960's hippie child.

xsingtherapture dressed as a member of Van Halen.

zaprowzdower110 dressed as a hammer.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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