Nov 20, 2006 16:13
Thanksgiving break is upon us and let's all thank GOD for that, eh?
I need to sleep in my own bed and hang out with all my old friends. I just want it to be summer again. I always say that. I just want to hang out in Lenny's crowded apartment and smoke with Ellie in the park in the northern burbs of Chicago. I want to have deep convos with Emma and Anne. It's alright though, I enjoy college life. I enjoy hanging out with new friends which mostly consists of parking our asses on Kelly and Mallory's futon and farting on eachother and drinking Arbor Mist. Yeah, I said it. Once and a while we'll go to lame parties and dance but that's on rare occasions. Sometimes I question whether or not I want to work my ass of for this major but I determine it's probably for the best. I suppose I can pack up for Hollywood anytime I want, huh? Psh. But really, my acting teacher told me to try out for the play he's directing in December. That's exciting. Flattering. I probably won't make it, or if I do make it I'll be some dumb maid or something. Oh well. There are only 11 roles and he asked me to try out. I'm flattered. My english teacher says I should conider a minor in english. You'd never guess it, but he says I'm good at writing stories. I'm also really flattered by that. He's recommending me as a writing tutor. Sweet, those kids make like 10 bucks an hour. I'm reading The Catcher In The Rye and I really do like it. Holden's cute. He swears alot and calls alot of people phonies.
Nathan and I saw "Babel" Friday night and I haven't wanted to weep for humanity so much since Requiem for a Dream. I seriously could not stop crying. I just kept thinking about it. The worst part is that when we walked out of the theater there was a middle-aged couple in front of us and the man said (all pissed off) "That was a TOTAL waste of money..." Disagree with the message or not, it was far from a waste.
And that's all. I can't wait for Christmas... but I can wait for finals.