Last night I attended one of the monthly
Freedom Forums that is sponsored by Mayor Rocky Anderson. This month's discussion was on the "Freedom to Criticize Government" and it more specifically referred to our Mayor's criticism of George W. Bush when he visited Salt Lake City August 22, 2005 when he spoke at the Veterans of Foreign Wars conference.
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RE. blacklist
it was also brought up again in today's (Sunday's DesNews). It was an article about how Rocky's base will stick with him no matter what. Because leadership worship is a powerful thing. Rocky needs only to press the right buttons and say the right words and his base shows up. Kind of like Bush. A few key words and his base shows up
No questions for either of them. Only blind loyalty.
In our day it's positively shameful.
Thanks for responding. I will look into the article you linked to.
It is true that Mayor Anderson and his spokesman are no longer returning our calls. They haven't for 13 days now. They still do send us press releases, however.
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