Oct 06, 2005 09:23
1. To fall in love.
2. Don't fight.
3. Try to enjoy my in laws.
4. Keep the house clean.
Number one isn't that hard to do. I just have to let the years of walls that I have created around my heart disappear. He is a wonderful man. He is everything everyone else is looking for in a mate. Maybe he could do dishes more often and clean the cat box more, but those are little things in the whole thing called life. These are times when I find being a lesbian easier. Too bad that Jen isn't still alive because I know where we would be.
Number two all depends on my hormones and my bi-polar. This one may involve biting my tongue. The funny thing is is that we usually fight because he is leaving to go back to work. Maybe we will just ignore that fact and pretend that he never has to leave.
Oh, the in laws. Mom is so much like me that it makes it so hard to enjoy the company. I feel like I have looking at myself 40 years down the road and hoping that I won't be like her. They are taking us out to eat this weekend so I should be happy that I get free good food. They are leaving for AZ for six months so I should also be happy that I won't be seeing them for a long time unless they come back when I have the baby.
Number 4. Keeping the house clean. I can be hopeful that it will clean itself and that I won't have to cook. Who am I kidding? I can't even fool myself on that one. Oh well, it does give me something to laugh about.
Enjoy your weekend.