Title: Awake
Pairing: Akanishi Jin x Kazuya Kamenashi //Akame//
Genre: Romance, Fluff, slight Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. I don't make profit with this.
Summary: It's worries that keep Jin awake at night.
A/N: English isn't my mother tongue, but I've been living in the UK for quite a time, so I
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Comments 74
I'll have to go to my classes now ^.^
and....!!!!!! If I am writing, then you should manage upadting, too! *nagging* XD
I can understand Jin so much (oh the endless nights I spent awake for the same reasons though there was no earthquake or whatever ;_;)
What can I say? The same feeling that I have every time I read something related to Kamen. I can feel the love and that makes me so happy:)
And this “I told you to sleep and instead I can feel your vibes of worry even here.” Haha, just how adorable can this get? ♥
Loved it like always ♥
*ignoring nagging* :-*
Those nights are really hard to overcome and get through. Poor Jin v.v Kame couldn't really calm him down.
Haha, well, Kamen is Kamen, it's nothing new, by now all of you guys could probably take over writing it XD
Thanks for taking your time to read this, sweetheart, though you could have used it much better ;))
Thanks so much for reading ^_^ ♥
Thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed it :)
i don't expect another sequel but this *_____*
we all know that Jin couldn't get some nice sleeps after the earthquake happened, and this story is perfectly written
i love it very much~ ♥
“Okay, then”, Kazuya repeated, before he murmured: “Love you.”
“You too”, Jin answered and hung up.
my favorite part... akame love !!
Right, since I read about that, this kept me occupied~~ I am happy you enjoyed it!
Thanks so much for reading ♥♥♥
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