May 22, 2010 10:23
Hey there, everyone!
First of all, as always, thank you so much for all the lovely comments and feedback you always leave to my stories. I appreciate them and I try to improve with them :D
So, thanks so very much!
This is just a short announcement. Today, I am going to close the poll I started a short time ago. I would have liked to read comments from those who voted for changing the layout, but they were only three, so the layout is going to stay the way it is! Thanks to everyone for taking their time :)
Other than that, I am a bit busy recently, but I'll try updating both Drowned in Silence, as well as Stuck in the Middle with You on regular bases. Also, I will try to catch up with your guys' comments today and tomorrow, I am sorry it's taking so long.
Both fics may be coming a bit delayed, since I have started to work on a third project, which is a Oneshot and which I want to post before going on with both multichapters... So, please excuse the long wait for updates m(_ _)m
To all of you,
have a lovely weekend and thanks again for following my updates :D
Much Love,
Shai~ ♥