May 07, 2007 11:38
So Sexy Beast is back - For all that have no idea what I'm talking about, my car is finally back in commission. It looks better than when I had first gotten it, so I really have no complaints now. A few things still need tending to, like the back seats, and the pussy-ass excuse for a horn. Other than that, I can't complain.
So as a few of you know, Xan has left us for Spain for the next two and a half weeks. I ended up watching the cats - 3 of them - for him, but he didn't leave a whole lot in their stead - 1.5 containers of cat food, and 2 bags of cat litter. The place already stinks, even though I go there at LEAST once a day, and they must of left in a serious hurry, because the place is kind of a wreck. I'm resorting to bringing my own garbage bags, little cat-box trash bags, and cat treats. He didn't even leave me the automatic gate opener, so I have to listen to his strange message he left for all to hear on his voicemail. He was supposedly going to give me a call when he got to Spain, which was late Thursday night / early Friday morning, and I haven't heard even a peep. He must have forgotten to PAY HIS RENT before he left, because the people at his complex have tagged up two notices already, demanding payment be due on or before May 9th. I can't call his mother, because in the process of going through phones, many numbers were lost. He really didn't plan ahead, and I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do with it. I'm hoping that if he can't at least call, that he'll happen by a cyber cafe and read this soon. If not, I'm going to have to go to his mom's place and ask what should be done about the rent situation. =/
Still looking for a job. I'm worried about calling the externship coordinator at school, because the last thing I'll need to hear right now would be that I'm out of the program, and thanks, you just wasted a ton of money and the last year of your life on nothing. I doubt they can do that if you're laid off - it's not like I wanted to leave when I did. Well... maybe a little, but that goes without saying. Too much drama going on, and without little benefits. I was going to stick to it and finish out the remainder of the 6 weeks, but it just didn't work out that way. I've still got a few more places to work in mind, but we'll see what happens.
I'm off to get shit done. Peace.
BTW - Amber, I want my hoodie back from Tara's place!! I miss that fucking thing.
OH! - BTW2, Spidey3 fucking sucked ass. Very disappointing, although the effects were still top notch.